22 Epilogue

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In the following days,  we still didn't have coitus but did more than just kiss one another. Lisa and Eiza had their lesson and were allowed to return to work.  Mimi and their colleagues were thrilled about them returning. With them being gone for way too long, the budget was in the red. Eiza accepted the loss of her children's death and the loss of their other mother's death.

My office landline rang. I answered it.
" Hi Jane have you heard back from the mediator yet?"  " Yes,  they will be sending a check to you. My firm will send you a bill. The settlement is quite impressive more than the other two lawsuits you won. Are you sure you still want to donate the money and not keep any of it?"  " I am sure. I will be waiting for your bill and thank you."

I contacted Maura, Lisa, and Carina at work with the verdict.  Each of them was glad it was over with. Everyone who was in Germany could now have closure.   I asked my secretary to get everyone who worked on the case to submit their total time so a bill could be sent to Eiza.  I left work to go home.  I was emotionally drained on this case not just what I did to screw up my marriage but everything else too. I knew that eventually, Maura would forgive me or at least hope for it. I sent my wife flowers at work earlier telling her I was sorry. She did tell me thank you.  I went home to make Lobster tails, shrimp,  risotto with broccoli for dinner with a nice bottle of wine for my wife. When she came home. When she came home, we ate dinner and cleaned up the kitchen. Maura and I finally made love.
The end

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