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Lisa and I held one another and talked about what occurred.  Ezia wanted to get Susan pregnant as quickly as possible so 6 months after the baby was born. We all could leave to fly home.
We could hear Susan calling Ezia names of daddy and so forth. Ezia was fucking her hard. After two hours,  we didn't hear anything. We got up to check on them. Ezia was sound asleep. Maura had Susan put both of her legs back and stay that way for a while.
Maura used her needles on my wife while she was asleep to decrease the pain. She sanitized them and used them on me. We were glad that Susan had all the medical records on her guards.  None of them had any STDs.  When Maura told us that we were delighted.  Ezia and I didn't have to worry about health issues except for PTSD and abuse. We were beginning to trust one another compared to the first time we came to Germany.  Yes, she changed her mind several times but overall she took care of us, fed us, and kept us safe as much as humanly possible.   Lisa and I went back to the bedroom we were sharing. The bedding was clean.  She had her guards make sure of that including everything being sanitized.
We fell asleep.

In Sacramento... Charice and I have been going at it like energizer bunny anytime we were not at work or around others. She had her room just in case someone asked.  We made sure her bed was messy too for Julie Zarate and her employees from Merry Maid's could clean. Julie was the only one who knew about Charice and I fucking one another.  Charice had forgotten to lock my ensuite door and Julie walked in to get the hamper. Julie prided herself on discretion.  This is why Maura and I continued to use her services even though her prices were higher than other cleaning services.  We were eating dinner with all of the family potluck style.   Joey, Mathew, and Emily had taken a leave of absence two months after they left for wherever.  We still had no clue. They weren't allowed to tell us or they would be killed.  We didn't ask them anymore.

We finally cleaned up and told everyone goodbye.  We were beaten emotionally and physically.  We just wanted them to return home alive.
We made love before we fell asleep.  We decided to go to my cabin in Lake Tahoe without telling anyone. We had everything packed into my helicopter.

In Germany...
" Ezia how are you feeling this morning?" " Susan I am sorry but getting you pregnant is my number one priority. Our loved ones are paying our bills and maintaining our home. "  " I think this time I got you pregnant. I know we have to wait for a few days.  I know we still need to have coitus." " We will be served our meals in bed. Thus, giving us more time to make a baby or two. My last heart died in prison.  I was fortunate to get out early for good behavior and teaching others how to read and write. "

We had a protein shake,  with egg whites with spinach, mushrooms, onion in the omelets with sourdough toast, decaffeinated coffee, and pineapple orange juice combination juice for breakfast.  We finished and took the trays out to the hallway and allowed our food to digest before going at it again.

Maura and I  did yoga to assist us in relieving stress. We made love on the yoga mats then went to take a shower to eat our breakfast.  We were told we had the same like my wife and Susan.

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