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We all ordered crabs and a variety of steaks a for dinner. We went to Harvey's hotel to eat dinner and would stay there to gamble.  Jane and Maura suggested this place since it's not one we all regularly go to. We all wanted to avoid media as much as possible.  We enjoyed our dinner and then headed to play slots and poker. Lisa and Eiza along with Jennifer played the slot machines while we three went to play poker. We agreed after two hours win or lose we would meet near the main entrance to go to a laid-back beach volleyball club.  Two hours was up. We all cashed out and made it to the main entrance. We decided to use the restroom before we left. Jennifer and Lisa were the only ones who broke even. The rest of the loss various amounts.  The beach bar wasn't far for the limousine driver to get us there.  The breeze when we got out of the limousine felt good especially with us all wearing flasks vests. We paid our fee and our hand was stamped just in case we went outside to get some fresh air. We found a table and Jane ordered two pitchers of beer for us. We waited and watched the people dance, converse, drink, argue, and play volleyball.  Lisa was the only one who played volleyball. Jane wanted to but Maura told her no because of her two broken ribs.  She told us why they were broken. Lids wasn't surprised but I was. I could tell my wife knew but never disclosed it to me. I knew they kept secrets but wish Lisa hadn't.  Lisa played two games before she quit and joined us drinking beer and eating pretzels. Myself and Clayton were the only ones who weren't dancing when Lisa returned to the table to drink a beer.

" Well, you drank the last two pitchers already.  I will go order three more."

I went with my wife and asked Lisa next time not to keep a secret when someone gets injured. She tells me that Samuel is staying with the Reeves because of their cheating.  He had the house all to himself for for while.  Lisa paid cash for the beers.  I took two and Lisa grabbed the last pitcher.  We walked to the table. Some guy ended up spilling some beer on my tennis shoes and didn't apologize.

" Asshole no fucking  apology. What a jerk!"

Clayton came immediately to prevent the guy from taking a swing at my wife, Eiza. The guy tries to take a swing.  Clayton blocked him and told him to back up. None of us wanted trouble.  My wife places the pitchers down and returns and cusses the man out. Two women showed up. One called Eiza a drunk bitch and hit her.  A brawl ended up occurring.  The six of them left before the cops arrived.

" Eiza why did you do that? We don't need to be arrested.  I am just glad my wide J didn't get hurt more. We know you are mourning but you're a judge. You can get into serious trouble."
" Maura I only used words.  They took a swing at me. By law, I was only defending myself.  I pulled back my punches so no bones would be cracked.  They will be sore."  " Eiza this doesn't look good for you, especially with the lawsuits." " Jane you right.  Clayton thank you."

I knew my wife was pissed at me for my behavior.  We finally returned.  I had maybe about 6 beers in my system with two shots of tequila.  I went straight to the shower. I was in no mood to get into with Lisa.  Lisa followed me and voiced her disappointment very loudly.  Sh3 told me she was going to take a shower in the hallway bathroom and for me to sleep on the carpet floor or one of the lounge couches. Lisa and I have not had too many fights. I just hope we don't have more. Yes, anything can set me off easily.
Lisa was asleep by the time I was done with the shower.  I got a sheet and pillows then chose an upstairs couch to sleep on.

" Jane, I am worried about Eiza. There isn't much we can do for her but listen and be there. " " Maura we all have gone through it."

We kissed and then fell asleep.  We both slept on our backs.

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