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We had just finished our dinner and were now in the limousine to have some fun dancing. Maura and I were holding hands as were the other two couples.  We decided to go to a club that had a DJ. This club was new and had good reviews. We got in without any problems.  We found a booth and sat. The music was good. We ordered a few cocktails before we got up to dance to a few slow songs which turned into each of us dancing together as a group having a good old time.  Jennifer had to use the restroom as well as Lisa.  The two of them left as we sat back down in the booth. We ordered a new round of drinks. They returned then the four of us left for the restroom.

" Jennifer this was a good idea to come here and get a VIP booth. Carly Corinthos reserved this table for us. She said she enjoyed it when Jason and several of their guards came. "

We took sips of our drinks as we waited for the four of them to return. They returned and took sips of their drinks.  We danced more with our spouses throughout the night. We stayed close to closing time. The driver held the door open as we all got in then closed the door.
We were hungry so the driver went to a night restaurant so we could eat. We all ordered breakfast because of the time. We figured we sleep in due to the lateness or early hour. We finally left. The chauffeur pulled up to the front and we got out.  Each couple tipped him. He thanked us.

" Maura we had fun and your employee made it fun for us. Morning to all."

Lisa was still tipsy. Eiza helped her get into the elevator.  We walked to our suite which was close by.

" Jane I haven't seen Lisa like that in a while.  I hope Ezia makes sure she takes an aspirin with water before she falls asleep ." 

Clayton was a little tipsy as well. They left to their room. Maura puts the do not disturb sign on the door handle, closes the door, and locks it. We walk to our room and get undressed,  remove our makeup, use the restroom,  wash and dry our hands, and go to bed. We both are in our lacey underwear only. Maura left the window open at the top only to get a cool breeze coming into the bedroom. We made out and then cuddled before we fell asleep.

I get Lisa in the bathroom in time for her to get sick.

" Eiza I am so sorry."
"It's okay.  Here is an aspirin and a glass of water to drink. Please use the scope after you brush your teeth. "

Eiza got ready for bed and waited until I was in bed before she went to the restroom to use it and remove her makeup.

I returned to our bed. My wife was passed out. I got into bed and eventually fell asleep.

In Maura's bedroom... Maura still wouldn't allow me to have sex with her. I had bought several dildos to take care of myself. When Maura saw me, she just laughed  when I was moaning and came.  I just hope this thing of her not allowing us not being making love will be over soon. She just allows us to kiss which is getting old. I feel like calling one of my old lovers to have them meet me somewhere to have sex with.  I finally fell asleep.

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