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" Feed them well. We will eat the same so you know nothing is poisoned. You all are probably wondering why Jane was to stay back. Ezia I  know your intersex as Jane is no longer. I want my heir.  " "I am here to impregnate you? You are a cocky cunt!"  " All true but once Maura determines I am pregnant you will be released the virus which is secured and safe.  Also, I want to have a foursome which isn't up for discussion.  Tomorrow we will begin. Tonight you three will have coitus and enjoy it. I will be watching you three."

We finished dinner. I was glad it was Lisa. Lisa and I could read what the other one thought with the time we had threesomes over the years. Lisa nodded and was reading my mind. We were on our way to having sex for the writer's viewing. I knew Lisa and Ezia had a strong connection too. Lisa relayed what I was thinking to Ezia.
I told Lisa that this would be hard not to bring up old feelings we had one for another as well as us both losing our children. This lady was going to be mean to us by having Ezia impregnate her. We were naked and Ezia was in my anus while Lisa was underneath me. We all were being pleasured. Ezia knew how to use her penis well.  Our juices alone were spilling out of me onto the sheets below me. Lisa still tastes good. We switched positions for about four hours until we fell asleep.

The following morning,  we were woken up with a nice healthy breakfast which we gladly ate. We knew we would need it.

" You three are horny slots. Ezia your coming with Mr. You two are to fuck one another until a guard comes and get you ."

Ezia knew we felt bad for her. She was hoping to donate her sperm to a sperm bank. She wanted a child so much and Lisa agreed they raise one together.
Off they went and Lisa and I fucked one another until we were tired.

In Sacramento...
" MOM we haven't heard anything back. Please accept being in here this cell than the main ones, not in the police station. I brought you lunch and dinner. Please eat. Mom doesn't want you getting sick. I know it brings back you not having a penis. The phantom is a bitch."

My daughter left with Phillip and Rosalie back to my home. My brothers had brought me breakfast early with their wives. It hurt knowing I couldn't have sex with my wife with an actual penis, not a phallus. I was depressed and fell asleep.

In Germany...
Ezia it seems you used your sperm with them. I didn't think this well out. From now on, you will only sleep in my bedroom. You can eat and relax with Lisa and Maura but that is it." " Susan, how can I tell if you will keep your word and not release the virus to kill all?"
"You will have to take my word for it. I know you have no reason to trust me, but I  always keep my promises.  I will have the virus to be delivered to Germany's capital today and you all can see it on the news."
" Susan please don't.  Please send it to Washington DC., the president wishes for it to be there instead. The money you requested in the increments is there at the airport.  No one will follow your people. He nor any of the other countries nor governors trust Germany. "  " I will have my people make arrangements."

I was tired from all the sex and fell asleep in Susan's bed which was quite comfortable.

" Ladies I have made arrangements for the virus to be delivered to Washington DC by a drone. I will have several drones pick up my fifty billion dollars and have them deposited where I can access the funds. You will have access to Ezia for meals and relaxation only. Until I get pregnant,  she will only be sleeping in my bed.  I obviously,  didn't think that her pleasuring you both would lower her sperm count and my odds of being pregnant would decrease significantly. She is asleep now. Please feel free to shower and relax.  Your bedroom is being cleaned with clean bedding. Your wife was afraid I would go back on my word. Maura, you know me well enough.  If I say I am going to do something,  I do it."

Susan left us to shower and relax.  We decided to go outside with coats to sit outside where it had snowed with a few of Susan's people watching us carefully.  This place was well guarded and security what we could see was amazing.

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