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The following morning, I woke up smelling coffee.  I opened my eyes and saw Maura and Jane looking at me while they sipped their coffee.

" Yes, I fucked up before you two say anything.  She had me choose to sleep in the bedroom on the carpet or in one of the lounges.  I chose this one." " Eiza she will get over it. She is just mad at your behavior. " " Maura I  know you three were right.  Is she up yet?"
" She and Jennifer went jogging about thirty minutes ago. She is still mad."
" Jane, how did you handle it when she was mad at you?"
"Well, it varied. I buy her flowers or a gift,  write her a poem or song, make breakfast in bed, or just fuck her while she was asleep and she woke up so we could have make-up sex. Make-up sex was the best. Have you had sex since Germany?"
" No, because of my vasectomy and the deaths. " " Maura do you have any vacancies here for a night?" " I  don't know but call to find out."

I called the front desk to inquire.  They had several. I asked for one with a balcony with a view of the lake with a hot tub. I ordered room service to be delivered in two hours.  I packed a few items for us both.

" Please don't let her in here. Please tell her to go to room 457. "

I left after cleaning up the couch and putting the cover along with the pillow back in the bedroom.

Jennifer and I returned to the inn. The manager tells me my room has the water pipe busted so Maura got myself and my wife a suite of our own. I tell Jennifer goodbye and am handed a key to my temporary room. I go up to the fourth floor all sweaty.  I enter the elevator and push to the fourth floor. I had to wait because another person pushed the third floor. I wait until the doors open and exit the elevator to find the room.  I place the key to unlock it. I see a bouquet of long-stem roses. I smell them and see my wife.

" Lisa I am so sorry for last night.  You and the others were right.  I took my anger out on innocent people. Please sit down and enjoy your breakfast with me out on the balcony."

I thank my wife for the roses and her sincere apology. I walk onto the balcony. My wife ordered orange juice, croissants with scrambled eggs, mixed fruit cut up in a bowl, sausage patties, and a pitcher of ice-cold water. She pulled out my chair and pushed it in when I sat. She places the linen napkin on my lap and then kisses my left cheek. She takes her seat and pours me a glass of water for us both to drink. We begin enjoying our breakfast. I know she is truly sorry. This reminds me of when Jane and I would have our arguments except my wife combined a few.

" After breakfast,  I was hoping you join me in the hot tub to relax and enjoy the view. "

I nod yes. I feel her foot go up my left leg and move to my inner thighs.  She is running her toes on my shorts. I am already wet and aroused. She feels me and smiles. She is getting me more wet. It's not easy to eat and drink when I am aroused by my wife. We are finished with our food. She gets up and places everything on the court and wheels it to the hallway locking our door with the do not disturb sign on the door handle. She turned on the mini stereo and placed her hand out.

" May I have this dance?"

I got up and placed my hand in hers. It was a slow dance. It felt good being in my wife's arms again.  We danced several songs until we started making out.  She asked me if I wanted to get in the hot tub with my clothes except for my socks and tennis shoes. I told her yes.  She asked me to sit down on the couch. She removes my tennis and socks then started sucking on my toes. It was obvious she didn't care they were dirty. Once she was done, she moved upward on my body kissing and licking me. I  was getting more aroused as time went on. She removes my shorts and cotton briefs.  She can see I  am soaked. She licks my clitoris and my labia for a while. Her hands are under my sports bras and she is caressing my breasts. I remove my top and sports bra. I want and need my wife in and on me. I look at her and remove her clothing.  She is already hard.

" Ezia I need you in and on me. I cannot take this anymore. "

Ezia gets on top of me as I lay down on the couch.  She pushes her penis in my vagina slowly until she is all the way our body allows it to be. We are rocking our hips back and forth. We are kissing.  I slide my tongue in her mouth and she closes her lips tight on my tongue.  She isn't letting it go which feels good. I know she needs to be dominant and for me to enjoy this time with her. I most definitely enjoy this time with her.  We come several times. When she finally pulls out, she asks me if I am okay.  I tell her yes. She tells me the pipe wasn't broken. I already had an inclination it wasn't when she had toes on my clitoris.  I tell her this and she asks me if I am mad.  I tell her no. I asked her how many days did she get the suite for. Once she responded, I reached for the landline and told the front desk to book this room for two months. My wife smiles. We gather our stuff later. We make out and grind more with her in me before we fall asleep.

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