my sweet lover boy .

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i was sitting in my bed thinking about bill. i still couldnt believe we were together!! i mean i have to be dreaming it obviously cant be real.

i was just staring into space thinking about him, i seriously couldnt sleep because of it. soon then i heard a knock on my door. "come in" i said. soon then a tall figure was standing in my door frame

it was bill. i sprung up from my bed and hugged him "hiii!" i said. we let go and i kissed him. he kissed me back and it was passionate.

we broke the kiss and i asked "what are you doing here?" "ive come to kidnap you" he says and picks me bridal style. i was laughing my ass off but then he covered my mouth "shh i saw your dad asleep on the couch" he said "wait then who let you in? oh my gosh im really being kidnapped"i said and he smiled.

he put me down and we quietly walked outside.

we walked over to his house. we walked inside and tom was on the couch. he saw us and just laughed.

me and bill walked up to his room and i sat on his bed. he layed down next to me and was just staring at me "what?" i said softly "oh nothing, your just really beautiful" he said. my face turned pink and i covered my face. "noo dont cover your face you look so cute flustered" he smirked. i removed my hands and locked eye contact with him.

i smiled and then kissed him . i felt him smile into the kiss. we broke the kiss then i said "you know its like 1am right" "yeah but i wanna be with you right now" he said and i smiled. "okay well what do you wanna doo" i said "hmm i dont know actually" he said "WAIT I HAVE AN IDEAA!!" i said "oh lord what now" he said and laughed "i wanna dress up as you!" i say. he sighs then says okay

i sprung up off his bed and open his closet. woah he had a lot of clothes and they looked big. i picked out a random shirt and random pants and went to change.

when i came out i literally looked like tom 2.0.

bill was laughing so hard. "i look cute" i say sarcasticly "yeah you do"he said and i smiled. "my name is bill kaulitz and im the hot singer of tokio hotel" i joke. "okay uhm the supposedbly bill kaulitz your done" he says "noooo" i whine. he gives me a look and i say "ugh finee"

i go back i the bathroom and change back into my pj pants and bills hoodie. i had nothing but a bra under the hoodie just by by the way.

i walk out and jump next to bill. "i love you" i say "i love you more" he smirks "nooo i dooo" i say and we were just going in forth.

i finally let him win because i was tired of going back in forth.

"im tired"i mumble to bill. "well wanna go to sleep?" he ask "mhm" i say. he pulls the blanket over us and i burry my head in his chest.

he kisses my head and says "i love you, goodnight pretty girl" "i love you too"i mumble and then immediately pass out.


i wake up in bills arms. i smile at the action. i try to get up but his grip tightens every time i try to move. so i eventually give up and go back to sleep.


i wake up later to bill not being there. "bill.?" i mumble as i sit up. i observe his room to see he isnt here. i get up then walk down stairs.

and there he is, on the couch with tom playing games.

i walk over and say "good morning guys" bill looks up and smiles "yayy your awake!!" he says jumping up to kiss me. tom fake gags and i just roll my eyes. "yall hungry?" i ask "noo im fine" tom says "ouu i am" bill says "i can make something?" i say and he nods.

he sits back down with tom and i go over to the kitchen. i was always craving pancakes so i made pancakes. some with chocolate chips for me and some without because bill doesnt like chocolate.


after i finished i brought it over to the boys. i know tom didnt say he was hungry but as soon as he saw food i knew he would ask so i still made him some

"you know me so well" tom says and i giggle

i sit next to bill and start eating. bill turns on the tv and we start watching a movie.

"oh bill do we still have interview next week?" tom ask "oh yeah i forgot about that" he says "huh?" i ask "oh tom just reminded me about our interview next week" "ohh okay" i smile.


me and bill were in his room. we were just gossiping as always.

i honestly wasn't listening to him, i was lost in gaze. he was so beautiful. literally the most perfect boy out there. he was my good looking boy. my sweet lover boy.

"are you even listening?" bill asked "huh what oh yeah i am!" i lie "oh really than what did i say"he smiles. "uhm something about uhm like uhm" i start "exactly my point" he laughs and so do i.

"you know i wanna dance im bored" i say "oh is that so?" he laughs. i stand up and turn on a song called "the time of my life" it plays in one of my favorite movies called "dirty dancing" i look over at bill and grab his hand. i hank him off the bed. and playfully start dancing.

we were laughing so hard that he fell. that made me laugh even harder. i fell next to him and we couldnt stop laughing.

finally we stopped and turned over and looked at each other. he smiles then we both sit up. he immediately kissed me. i was shocked then kissed him back.

it turned into a makeout session because we are just like that.


finally we stopped to breathe. i smile and say "your stuck with me" he laughs then says "good i wanna be" i smile and we start to kiss again

HI ABRBEBEBS. wrote this in a rush because im literally so quirky ( help me please im dying a slow painful death😟 ) HELP SHOULD I ADD SMUT?!?!?!?
1.2k words

𝐓𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 ꨄ︎ || bill kaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now