one lost and all is gone .

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i was sitting on my couch as the tv played. i had my phone sitting next to me but i wasn't on it. that was until i got a call.

"hello?" i said putting my phone up to my ear.

"hello is this y/n?" a man said

"uhm yes who are you" i said

"im doctor müller. i just wanted to inform you your father is in the hospital right now if you would like to visit" he said

my heart dropped. "wait what happened to my father?" i say scared

"well his wife clarise said he wasn't breathing properly and brought him in and we did a check and apperently he was having a slow seizure. he finally had it this morning but he is up and strarting to get better, he just asked me to call you" he says

"okay im on my way" i say hanging up before he could anwser.

i quickly get up and throw my shoes on. the twins weren't home but the moment i walked out the door they were about to walk in

"oh hey where you going?" bill asked "uhm hospital" i said. him and tom looked confused

"why?" tom asked "oh well i just got a call, something about my dad i dont know but I'm worried so i gotta go" i said "I'll come" i heard bill say

i look over at him and smile. "ill stay here, update me, bye" tom says. me and bill both say bye then leave.

apperently they were in the hospital just a town over becuase they all were going some where so it wasn't far.

we arrive about 20 minutes later. we check in and head up to his room.

i open the door and see clarise and miguel sitting there.

clarise stood up as she saw me "hi darling" she hugged me "hi" i said hugging her back.

"hello bill" she smiled and he just smiled back. i look over and see my dad asleep. i walk over and ask "how's he doing" but not looking at clarise, i was looking down at him.

"better, but I'm still worried" clarise said from a distance. i didn't respond back. "i hope he is his gonna be okay" i mumbled.

i felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and i smiled "he will be love dont worry" bill said reassuring me.

i contuine to smile as i look up at him. i give him a quick peck and as i do i hear a little voice go "ewww!!"

we both look over and see miguel making a disgusted face and clarise laughing.

i gasp and bill says "hm wonder where he learned that from" and i giggle. "oh tom for sure, he is so my idol" miguel smiled and i sighed "oh that's not good" bill just laughed.


about 3 weeks had gone by. today we just had a small concert. it wad August 27th.

 it wad August 27th

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