the world turns upside down .

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i was sitting in the leipzig police station waiting for the officer to talk to me.

i was worn out. one lost and all is gone. i couldn't cry anymore. my eyes were completely dry.

a few minutes later a sheriff's deputy walks up to me "Mrs y/n were ready to talk to you" he said. i nodded and stood up. he walked me in to a room with another deputy and officers.

"here take a seat" he says motioning to the seat across from his. i nodded and sat.

"first off, I'm sorry for your loss." he said sitting down "thank you" i mumble "listen kid, i know you have been through a lot these past years. i remember the stuff with your mom a couple years ago and now this? nobody deserves this. but what i wanted to tell you is we caught who did it" he said and immediately looked up at him "who?"

"well someone escaped from prison and shot him, which whom was your mother" he says.

my jaw drops a bit. "what..?" i ask "she is in custody again and in a more higher security. but we're gonna bring her in to talk and i was wondering would you like to listen in?" he asked

i didn't respond. i just looked back at my hand as i fidgeted with my bracelets "y/n?" the deputy asked "i guess" i mumble.

"okay, take her" he said to the officer.

he brought me to the interrogation room so where i could see but my mom couldn't see me.

i stood there looking through the window as my mom walked in. i felt my heart start to beat faster.

"take a seat" the detective said to her. i watched as she cuffed my mom to the table. "so you know what you did, why" detective said

"i don't need to anwser to you, i need my lawyer" she said "actually you do not have the right to remain silent" she says "im not a cop tho, i hand the right" my mom said "actually given direct orders from my sergeant you don't so speak" the detective says and sits down.

"ugh fine. i killed him because i want my life back to normal. i want my kids. well my son i don't give a shit about my daughter. she can die for all i care. i wanted an abortion with her but her father said no. she ruined my teen life" my mom said.

her words got to me. i felt the tears slowly re enter my eyes. the deputy looked at me and said "don't listen to her" i didn't say anything tho.

the detective finished speaking to her and came in to the room with us "listen we aren't allowed to do this but do you wanna say anything to her? my sergeant said you can" she said

i looked to the ground then said "honestly no i don't, but i feel like i need to" she nodded then walked back in

"we have a guest for you" she says to my mom. she looks confused then i walk in.

her eyes widen "y/n?" she said "darling i-" she started "no save the fucking act, i heard everything you said." i say trying not to cry.

"oh, well i meant it. i don't care about you. if you were never born my life wouldve been better" she said "oh im sorry is so my fault i was born. but it fucking isn't, eso es culpa tuya madre, y es tu culpa que mi padre te haya dejado porque eres un maldito imbecil abusivo. y luego lo matas? solo para recuperar a tu hijo que, por cierto, te odia" (that is your own fault mother. and it is your fault my father left you because you are a fucking abusive asshat. and then you kill him? just to get your son back who which hates you just by the way. ) i said.

she didn't say anything. "exactly can't say anything can you. you made me loose the one fucking person who ever cared for me. who had been there since i was born and never left my side. i hate you" i said and walked back in the room with the deputy.

i start bursting in to tears "here let's go" he said and we walk out.

he walked my back to the front desk which where bill was. "i called him for you" the deputy said. i nodded and walked up to bill.

he hugged me and i just melted in to his arms. "shh its okay, I'm here" bill mumbled.

toms pov--

i was sitting on my bed at my old house thinking about what happened. i felt so bad for y/n. she had gone through so much and now this?

i mean she is my little sister i hate seeing her hurt. I'm hurt to honestly. Ruben was was like a dad to us. all of us.

but i knew y/n was hurting the worst. i didn't know what else to do so i had to call "her"..

jizelle pov--

"get the fuck out!" i yell to my boyfriend "fine but don't find crawling back to me slut" he stuff slamming the door.

i sat down in shock. i just caught him cheating on me with 3 fucking girls.

calling me a slut? look at you i sigh then stand up but my phone rang. i look at it and was tom?

"hello?" i said

"jizelle.." i heard tom say in a sad tone

"tom what's wrong?" i say worried

"can you come over? well to my of house? I'll explain" he said

"yeah im on my way tom don't worry" i say abd hang up

i grab my shoes and head out there, i only live about 30 minutes away. i was curious about what was happening.

your pov--

i was sitting on my couch looking around the house. it feels weird without my dad here.

miguel was sitting with me. i can tell he had been crying to. clarise was asleep.

"sis?" miguel sis and looked up at me "hm?" i ask "was it really her?" he asked. i shot my head back at him and said "how do you know?" "i heard you and bill when yall got here" miguel replied and i mouthed oh

"i guess it is just us" i say "and clarise?" he said "yeah but she was only a stepmother. we both don't have our parents, our mom locked up, your dad, is MIA, and my dad.." i say

"just us" miguel smiled. i gave a weak smile and put my arm around him.

that was the most I've smiled since the concert.

soon then the door rang. i stood up and anwser it. it was jizelle and the twins behind us. she immediately hugged me.

"im so sorry love" she said. i didn't say anything i just sobbed in her arms.

we let go and she hugged miguel.

"here come" i said and the 3 walked in. me and jizelle sat on the couch and the twins played with miguel.

"tom called me and asked me to be here" she says "wait he called you?" i say and she nodded.

i layed my head on her shoulder and she put her head on top of mine "wanna hear something funny" she asked "please" i said back

"i caught my boyfriend cheating with 3 fucking girls" she says "wait what" i say lifting my head up.

"i know bro like what" she giggled. i let out a soft giggle.

"but honestly i think i miss someone" she said abd turned around and faced the 3 boys

"who?" i ask "wait you miss t-" i started in shock but she covered my mouth "shut up i dying want him knowing. yeah we aren't similar what do ever but that doesn't matter. or breakup made me realize all we needed was trust and love, and we had that" she said "awh, I'm in" i say

"for what?" she said "I'll help you get him back. i need to her my mind of things and this might help" i say

"awh te amo babe" she hugged me "i love you too" i hugged her back. we let go and i realized how much the world turned upside down.

guys im getting back to updating more than once a day😋.
1.5k words

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