there literally everywhere .

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me and bill were back at the hotel. we had just gotten back from our very long day. i think he had fun tho.

he liked mexico which was good because it is my home so ima be here a lot.

i plop on my bed and he follows. "tired?" he mumbled "mhm" i reply back. "well then let's sleep, it's like 1:00 am" he says "mm okay" i mumble then yawn

i get up to go change and take off my makeup.

after i finish my makeup i walk out of the bathroom to see bill waiting for me. i smile at him as i jump in the bed. i love hotel beds they are so weirdly comfortable.

i jump in his arms and he kissed my forehead. "i love you" i mumble "i love you more tho" he said expecting me to argue back but i was silent.

he looks down and sees im asleep. he smiles then pulls the blanket over us. he then proceeds to sleep.


it was about 9:00 am and i woke up to pots banging. "WAKEYYY WAKEY HOE" i hear a annoying bitch say.

"shut up tom" i mumble pulling the blanket over my head. "nooo get up were all gonna go down and get breakfast, jizelle said yall got good food here" he says and i giggle "yeah we do" i sit up abd notice bill missing

"wheres bill?" i yawn "oh he is with georg and gustav" he says

"soo he wanted you to wake me?" i smile "everyone was scared. your always grumpy in the morning" he says

"oh shut it" i say getting up "anyways ima go, oh wait what time is your thing?" he ask before leaving

"uhm i think like 4:00 pm, why?" i ask "oh i was just wondering anywho bye" he says shutting the door. tom is very interesting.

i go in the bathroom and brush my hair. i wasn't gonna change beacuse like it's breakfast who cares in not gonna dress up for breakfast like the hell.

i throw my hair in a low pony tail. i walk out and throw my slides on. i then proceed to walk out and see everyone standing outside the door staring at me. "uhm hi" i say awkwardly. "are you ready now" jizelle ask "mhm" i say

we all then walk out and bill walks up to me "sorry i didn't wake you up, last night you were so tired you looked like you were gonna be grumpy" he laughed "no it's fine, i wasn't really tho" i could back

"anywho you exicted about later?" he says "mm i don't know, I'm nervous. like it feels weird having to do this in spanish even tho i have been speaking it literally my entire life" i say and he puts his arm around me "don't worry, we will all be there, but backstage so nobody comes on to us" he laughs and i giggle.


it was 1:00 pm so i deicided to shower. "bill I'm gonna shower" i say setting my phone down "oh okay" he says and kisses me.

i kiss back then get up. i grab the fit im going to wear today. it was a cute off the shoulder shirt abd some jeans.

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𝐓𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 ꨄ︎ || bill kaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now