their coming for you in bad ways .

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i was bored out of my mind so i just went for a walk.

the guys were being there weird selves so i didn't wanna be involved.

the cold breeze hitting my face, the feeling of the fresh air. the smell of shops as i walk by. hearing people talking but softly.

after passing by the shops i made it to the local park.

being at parks reminded me of when bill asked me to be his girlfriend. even if it wasn't this park it still always made me smile.

i was about to sit down on the bench but something was weighing me down. i fell to the ground

my world felt like it was stopped. i couldn't speak, i couldn't move. soon then everything just went black.


bills pov--

y/n had been gone for ages. i was starting to get worried.

i texted and called her many times, no response.

"yo bill you alright?" tom asked sitting next to me. "no im worried about y/n, shes been gone for like 5 hours, and she hasn't anwsered my texts or calls." i said and looked down.

"maybe shes just wanting alone time, i don't know. i can call her if you want?" tom asked "please" i mumble

i see tom pull out his phone in the corner of my eye.

but only seconds later he got an anwser. my eyes shot up to him as he said

toms pov --

"hello, y/n?" i said

"hello" a man said

"your not y/n.. who is this?" i asked and my world froze.

"no im not, I'm doctor assiwassi, someone brought her in to the hospital about 3 hours ago and she was out cold. she had been shot by someone but we don't know who. she just got out of surgery and she's still asleep but yall are welcome to come up. also sorry for anwsering her phone its just i didn't want anybody to be worried about her not anwsering" the doctor said

i felt the tears rush to my eyes "okay were on our way" i said abd hung up.

i looked at bill with tears in my eyes "what, what happened?" he said worried "y/n was shot" i said coldly

bills pov--

i felt my breath catch in my throat. tears form in my eyes. i couldn't move.

"is she alive?!" i yelled at my brother "yes.. but she's in the hospital we gotta go" tom said and got up to get the others.

i quickly put on my shoes and run out to georgs car.

i hop in the back with tom and we drove off.

tom was hugging me trying to calm me down. but i couldn't calm down. first her dad was shot, now her..?

the love of my life on the edge of death right now.

i can't lose her. she's my everything, she the one.. my whole entire heart is hers.


we arrive to the hospital. they told us her room and rushed up.

there we saw her lying there out cold and the doctor next to her.

"oh hello" the doctor said. he walked up to us but i haven't looked, my eyes were glued to her. the tears in my eyes as she was there.

"here take a seat" the doctor said and i finally looked over.

we all sat down and the sheriff walked in, "wait sheriff köch? why are you here?" i mumble in between my sobs.

"i was here partnering with the officers here and i heard, this has to be my case since her dad was mine" he said and sat down

"so as you heard she was shot, and it was her mom.. she somehow escaped her prison which were still figuring out how but here's the catch. after her mother shot y/n, she killed her self. she was found on a roof dead with a note which said.." he said pulling out the note.

"dear everyone,

im sorry for what I've done. I've gone completely crazy. i can't believe i shot my own daughter. no matter how i treated her i realized i was wrong. her dad, i didn't care i did, but her? i think i messed up. tell my son i love him, and i know if she lives she won't believe me but I'm sorry mija.."

i looked at tom in shock "and yes y/n is alive just in a asleep from the amnesia she took for her surgery" the doctor said making my attention go to him

they then both stood up and left.

i quickly ran to the seat next to y/n. she was breathing steady and low. her heart rate was at a good speed.

i grabbed her hand and softly kissed it.

"im gonna run home and get you stuff bill, i know your gonna stay here" tom said and i softly smiled "thank you" i mumble

he nodded and walked out. "me and gustav are gonna go get food" georg said and they walked out. which meant it was just me and y/n

i started talking to her even tho she couldn't hear me "you know this is reminding me of us a few years ago when you got hit by that car.." i mumble and softly chucked as the memory flew through my mind..


i grab her hand even tho she is still unconscious. "hi my love. i don't know if you can hear me but I'm so sorry. i should've ran faster and push you out the way. i wish it could've been me not you. please just stay with me. i love you to much to lose you" i say as tears fall down my face.


i smile at the little memory. "we were only teenagers, now where my my love.. i wish it could've been me not you. please just stay with me. i love you to much to lose you" i say as i said before with the tears in my eyes.

i kiss her forehead and lean back in the chair. all the crying i did made me tired all i fell asleep.

1.2k words

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