mi corazon still .

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toms pov --

i arrived back to the hospital about an hour after i left.

while i was gone i called jizelle and clarise just so they were aware of it. i was worried about y/n. her own mother. like truly after seeing what her mother has done to her, it makes sense why she always loved my mom. she just wanted a mom.

i just hope y/n is okay.

i was walking up the room and saw bill asleep holding y/ns hand. i smile and set down a bag of clothes for bill.

i turned over and saw an unopened bag of mcdonalds on the counter with a note. which said

"here's your food since your asleep"

most likely from georg or gustav. i set the note back down and head out.

i was driving home but the only thing i could think of is if she is okay. i mean she had always been a little sister to me. and if bill does eventually propose to her then she will be my sister.

i know the doctor said she is okay but I'm still worried. like is she gonna be healed before april?

bills pov--

i woke up around noon. still holding her hand. i was uncomfortable in the chair so i stood up. i turned over and saw the 3 guys on the ground playing uno.

"oh hey bill" tom smiled. i waved then yawned "bill last night we got you mcdonalds but we couldn't help ourselves" georg said smiling scared

"mm is okay" i mumble "we got you more don't worry" gustav said laughing and pulling out a bag.

i softly chuckle and take it.

"oh there's your clothes" tom pointed to a small bag. "thanks" i mumble and start going through it.

i grabbed some clothes and walked in to the bathroom and changed. i was about to walk out but i felt something in my pocket.

i stop myself and pull it out.

my eyes widened as i look at it. it was the my bracelet from the set i got me and y/n when we got together.

i thought i lost it when it was just on the pants i hadn't worn in a while.

i softly smile and put it on but at i did the memories just flooded my head.

i smiled to myself and walked out. tom was sitting in my chair yapping his off. "up" i say "no" tom crossed his arms "excuse me?" i reply back

he gets scared and immediately gets up. i laugh and sit down. i look over at y/n while she is just peacefully sleeping.

she wasn't in a coma or anything she just was sleeping, a deep deep sleep.

i opened up the bar and started eating my nuggets. but i just couldn't help but stare at her.

she was finally starting to go back to her normal dark tan self. that was reliving. i look over and grab the remote. i turn on the news and they were talking about y/n. the guys all looked up.

"on February 11th, 2010 rock star y/n gonzales was shot at her local park. it appears that she was thankfully tooken care of and is alive. the word going around is that her own mother shot her, and soon later killed herself for shooting her daughter. now I'm not 100% is that information is true, it's just what everyone is saying. we are proud of mrs. gonzales pulling through and surviving, back to you robert" the news lady said.

"yes thank you christina, i am here on the scene where she was shot. as you can see they have the park blocked off and the dried blood on the ground. and if you follow me right up there is the building where her mom shot herself. the police said the park is not gonna be reopen to at least next month just to warn everyone. be safe guys, and prayers for y/n and the rest of her band, tokio hotel" the guy said

"im not surpised it's already on the news" georg said. "me neither" gustav added on and me and tom nodded

"me neither" a voice said behind me.

all of us turned around faster than we ever have "woah calm down" she giggled. i leaned in and hugged her tighter then I've ever hugged her. just not on her lower chest because that is where she was shot.

"bill.. bill i can't breathe" she said and giggled. i let go just a bit and she hugged me back "are you okay" i said with tears in my eyes

your pov--

"are you okay?" bill said in between sobs "bill I'm fine" i smile in his arms. i felt my body get heavier as the guys hugged us. "were glad your okay y/n" tom said sounding like he could cry.

i smile and just hug them.

after a few moments they all let go. bill sat down back in his chair and the guys back on the floor.

"wait was the news telling the truth..? it was my mom?" i mumble. bill looks me and grabs my hand "mhm" he said.

"oh" i say and look down "she even shot her self?" i ask again "yeah" gustav mumbled.

i didn't say anything. i just looked down in shock.

but i looked back up when the door opened "oh good you awake" the nurse smiled. "mhm" i give a weak smile "how are you feeling?" she asked "better i guess" i say and she nods "okay so r are gonna wanna keep you at least a day just to keep an eye on you" she said and i nodded.

"oh and the sheriff wanted to talk to you" she did looking at the door as he walked in "wait sheriff köch? what are you doing here. why aren't you in leipzig?" i ask "i was partnering with the police station here and then this happened" he did and i let out a soft chuckle.

"so did they tell you?" he ask "mhm" i mumble "im sorry kiddo, here's the letter your mother left" he said handing me a note. i read it in my head.

for some odd reason i wasnt sad. i mean my mom was the worst. i was the right not to be sad but then again it feels wrong not being sad about a death. i put the note down and look at bill. he was giving me a warming smile. i give him a weak smile back.

"but yeah" the sheriff said making me look back. "i hope you feel better" he said and stood up "thank you" i smile abd he walked out.

"nugget?" bill asked me with a nugget in his hand. i smile and take it.

i eat it and look at everyone "you know this is giving me a nostalgia feeling" i say and they all laugh.

the memories started flooding my head from years ago.

yall already know is recap time😍--

me and bill let go and he sits on the edge of the bed. "are you okay my love?" he says sniffling "yes i am bill don't worry" i say. i cup his cheek and wipe his tear. "im so sorry i couldn't have push you out the way, i tried to but i wasn't fast enough. it's all my fault. you would've never gotten hit if i wasnt fucking fast enough, I'm so sorry baby" he says in a low tone "bill it isn't your fault, it's mine. yea i looked both ways and no car was coming. whoever hit me came out of no where. i should've moved when i saw lights in the corner of my eye. but i was to shocked i felt paralyzed" i say. "as least your okay, i couldn't lose the love of my life" bill says and i smile. he reaches in and kisses me. after s few seconds later i say "you will never loose me mi corazon" i say and bill smiled.


i smile and bill says "im glad your okay, i couldn't lose the love of my life". i smiled at what he just. he said the same thing in the past.

but this time i lean in and kiss him. i pull away a few seconds later and grab his hand. "you will never lose me mi corazon" i said abd he smiled

bills pov --

we both said those in the past. the memories just kept filling in my head. i miss the past but the us now is amazing.

1.5K words

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