funny times .

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it was time to go home and i was kinda happy. i missed mexico but i don't really like being back, it reminds me to much of my past.

me and bill were packing. "billyyyy can you come hereee" i yelled to him "coming!" i heard him reply back.

he came running over and asked "you okay?" "yess i just need your help" i smile "of course you do, what now" he chuckled.

"uhm so like earlier i got mad becuase my sock wasn't folding right so i uhm threw it and now i can't reach it" i say in shame while pointing to it.

he couldn't help but laugh. "you know what your mean I'll get it" i say "okay fine try to get it then" he smirked "i will actually" i say thinking i will.

i jumped up on the bed and tried to get it but i couldn't. i look over and saw bill had a weird grin on his face "oh shut it" i say

he chuckled and jumped up to get it. "here" he laughed. "shut up" i said and took it.

"make me" he smirked. i felt the blood rush to my face as i was flustered. i heard him giggle abd i just turned around and jumped off

he proceed to do the same. "anyways you almost done?" he asked "mhm i just needed my sock" i say while combining it with the other.

"okay well i think we should leave around 4:00 pm since our flight is 5:00 pm" he says

"yeah i agree" i say as l zipping up my suitcase.

"im hungry wanna go out?" bill suggested "of course!" i say all happily. i see him smile abd he grabs my hand.

we run out abd it felt like he dragging me. i giggled just ran with him.

we got out side abd we stopped. "lets go to that cafe down the street?" i suggested "okay" bill said and we walked there.

we got there then saw a sign "there closed? brooo" i complained "damn, mcdon-" bill starts then i cut him off "YES" i say. he laughed and we walked across the street.

we walked inside and ordered.

we got our food and we're sitting down eating. "so our manager called" bill says while shoving a fry in his mouth.

"oh really, about what?" i ask them sipped my drink.

"we were talking about our starting concerts in 2008, even tho we still have concerts this year, literally one in 2 days" he says "wait what in 2 days?" i ask confused

"the one in united kingdom? on the 19th?" he said "oh yeah i lowkey forgot" i giggled abd he did to

"is not a big concert so wr don't have too rehears until before it" he says abd i nodded

"wait so what about the ones in 2008?" i ask "well we have some in March in Portugal. first one on the 14th then i don't know the rest." he said "ohh, he should at least let us get through these" i giggle and bill laughed.


we were boarding the plane and i sat down in my seat next to the window. bill sitting next to me. i was just ready to get home. "im gonna sleep" i say "okay i love you" he smiled "i love you too" i ssaid back.

i place my head on his shoulder abd sleep.


by not it was the 18th when we arrived to the uk. we were resting in our hotel rooms. it was like a 10 hour flight so it wasn't horrible but it was way too early in the morning.

i was laying in the bed waiting for bill to come out of the bathroom.

he eventually did and laid next to me. i shift over to face him and he smiled. "your so beautiful you know that?" he says and i feel my face turn pink as i giggle "oh shut up" i said.

𝐓𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 ꨄ︎ || bill kaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now