damn it kaulitz .

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a few months had gone by and thankfully bill recovered. i was really happy for him. we could all tell he was happy too.

if im being honest he sounds like his voice got deeper. it was hot but on top of that I'm just happy he could speak again.

it was now September which meant it was the twins and gustavs birthday month.

also something special. the mtv vmas! something crazy happened. we were invited! it was on the 7th so it was the day before gustavs birthday.

right now it was September 4th. so the twins birthday already past.

also georg had a new girlfriend. i don't know her but i don't care. he is kinda secretive about her it is weird but not really weird becuase he is georg.

i was out at the store with jizelle shopping for what i should wear.

"bro there is so many options i don't know what to pick" i say looking around the store "you should let me pick" jizelle says with a mysterious grin

"uhm no your gonna make me look s-" i start but she cuts me off "sluty i know, but like babe is the vma you gotta look hot" she says.

i was about to say something but i stop myself "yeah yeah your right" i say finally giving in "yayy! let's start" she says abd starts walking around. i just sigh and follow her.

"take a seat I'll be back" she says smiling as she walks me over to the changing room. i sigh and sit down to wait on her.

a few minutes fly by and she walks back over with a basket of stuff.

"no" i say "yes" she replied back smiling and handed me the basket. "your lucky i love you" i say grabbing the basket and i walk into the changing room.

it was a v neck white top with a navy blue skirt. she also grabbed the accessories which were the jewerly, a hat, the heels, and a cute purse.

honestly just looking at it, it didn't look half bad

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honestly just looking at it, it didn't look half bad.

after i tried on the clothes i wad looking at my self.  i actually loved it. "whats taking so longgg" i hard jizelle whine outside the changing room.

i giggle and step out. she looks up at me and her jaw drops "your lying" she says "what does it look bad?" i question her reaction

"hell no you look so prettty oh my gosh" she says standing up still in shock "you really think so?" i ask

"yess oh my gosh, have you tried on like the shoes and hat?" she ask "ouu no i should tho" i say abd she nods.

i sit down and take off my shoes to try on the heels. "oh they fit perfect" i say and jizelle smiled

"here's the hat, I'm not worried about the jewerly tho" she says and i nod grabbing the hat away from her. i try it on abd look at myself "it would look better with straight hair, maybe i can straighten my hair that day" j say say and she agreed.

"okay let me take it off and then I'll go pay" i say and she nods then walks out of the changing room.

i change into my actual clothes and throw everything back in the basket.

i grab the basket and walk out "okay lemme go pay, you can go to the car" i say throwing the keys to her and she walks out.

i then pay and walk out to the car to leave.


i arrived home and i set all of it on my bed. i lay down and grab my phone. i then opened my messages and texted billy bob.


"billy willyyyy"
"stop calling me that!!"
"never , anywho wanna over I'm bored"
"uhm duhhh but i thought you were with jizelle shopping or smth ?"
"oh i got home like 5 minutes agoo"
"oh okayy I'll be there in a min , i love uuu"
"i love uu more billy willyyyy"
"never !!"

i giggle as i set my phone. i get up and go change in to something more comfortable. as i walk out of my bathroom i see an intruder on my bed "what the flip" i say stopping my self as we make eye contact

"did you break in to my room?" i ask in shock "never, this is my room you broke in" bill said standing up.

i smile as i walk over and kiss him. i feel him grip on to my waist as he kisses me. i let go and smile "your in a good mood" i giggle "well duhhh, is because im with you" he smiled back "your corny bill" i giggle walking over to my bed.

"always" he says following after me. we jump on to my bed and we're just gossiping like we always do.

"you know what i just realized" bill started "hm?" i ask looking over

"me and tom are 19, your 18. were all adults" he said them paused "well no shit i thought we were 7" i at sarcasticly

"oh shut up, what I'm trying to say is were all adults still living with our parents" he chuckled. "oh my gosh were are" i say in embarrassment. "exactly so what if.." he stopped

"what if what?" i ask "we buy a house abd move in together" he suggested. i didn't know what to say. i mean we have been together for almost 2 years or was about time abd were adults.

"if we do tom is gonna live with us huh" i say giggling "well, probably yeah" he chuckled. "but jizelle can move with us too. but there helping pay to" he says and i giggle.

"well damn it kaulitz then it's decided we're moving out and moving together" i smile "seriously? your okay with doing this?" he asked

"i mean it's gonna feel weird leaving my dad, miguel, and clarise but it's time. we're adults now we needa grow up" i giggle and he nodded laughing.

"well I'll talk to tom, jizelle and my mom, you talk to your family" he says and i nod.

he smiled and kissed me as he got up to leave. i let go of the kiss and smile as he walks out.

i sigh and walk downstairs. that were all down there. "oh hola mija" my dad said and i smiled. "hey can we talk, all of us?" i ask turning over to miguel. "yeah sure what's up?" my dad asked.

i sigh and sit down. "so I'm 18 and really i can move out now" i started off "your moving?" miguel asked "hold on left me finish, me and bill were talking and thinking about buying a house. i mean not far but we're going through with it" i say.

my dad looked in shock "you really wanna move out?" he asked. i just nodded "well we're happy for you y/n" clarise smiled abd i did back at her.

i look over at my dad who is just in shock. "pa? i ask

he sighs and looks over at me "it's okay, if just sucks that your growing up" he says and i smile. "i mean your older than the age i was when me abd your mom had you" he says and i giggle. "well thats yalls fault for being dumb teenagers, but mom i couldn't give 2 shits about" i say abd my dad smiled.

i look over at miguel who hadn't said anything "miguel? you good?" i ask "im gonna miss you" he said frowning "im not leaving yet, but dont worry I'll still be here but not here here" i say abd he smiled "is that it?" my dad said abd i nodded standing up and walking up to my room.

hey guys i dont feel good im actually sobbing bc my cramping hurts like hell bro help me☹️.
1.4k words

𝐓𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 ꨄ︎ || bill kaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now