zimmer 483 .

66 2 3

sorry i was in toms hotel room 483🕺.

i woke up to bills annoying ass alarm around like 8am. i groan as i wake up but i tried to shift but i couldnt. i then felt a pair of arms around. it was billy willyyyy.

i smile as i look up abd he says "you sleep so pretty love" and kisses my forehead. i while abd say "no i don't" and sit up "so we're lying again? mm okay" he says jokingly "ain't nobody lying but you sweetheart" i smirk "you wish, sWeEtHeArT" he smirks back and i giggle. "okay well ima gonna go shower" i say abd he nods.


i get out then big in my hair dryer and straightener. i was gonna get ready on the bus but bill needed to do his hair so I'm gonna do mine here.

i finished around 9:15 am and i walked out. i had my bag of my clothes and accessories and shit and i grab it. i throw on some slides then i ask bill "come on!" "coming one moment!" he yelled doing something.

i walked out and went to go make sure everyone was awake.

i grab the key card and open the door. gustav and georg were awake doing something and i ask "yo were is tom" "won't get his ass up" georg says.

i roll my eyes and go in to his room "THONG GET YOUR ASS UP NOW WE HAVE TO GO HURRY BRO" i said slapping his face back in forth. he finally sat up and says "stop bro im up" groaning. i smile abd walk out "my magic here is done, meet us in the lobby" i say waking out.

bill was standing at the door waiting for me. he grabs my grabs and we walk to the elevator. "thong? seriously" he said laughing. "whatttt" i giggle and he just rolls his eyes.

we make it down to the lobby and we sew waiting for the other 3 slow asses.

finally they come down abd room looks half asleep. i giggle abd we walk out the bus. grabs were crowding up. i hated it so very much.

we got in the bus and we left. it ranges a little bit to get there so we had time. bill was sitting down next to me while i was doing my makeup. the camera crew was here again bro.

i was doing my makeup then bill said "im gonna go change and do my hair" he says kissing my cheek. i nod as he gets up and walks to the bathroom. he had his blue adidas pants on abd like a black shirt. he was so tall he had to bend down to go in to the restroom it was so funny.

i contuine doing my makeup. i finish right about the time bill finished.

we then swap places and i go to change. as i walk out i see then eating.

bill hands me a tray of chocolate pancakes, bacon, etc. i smile as i grab it and sit down. i start eating while bill is talking to tom abd they were bruh recorded.


we were finally about to pull in and girls were literally following the bus. we were all looking outside laughing.

we pull in and we get out. me and bill get out first and all the fans are screaming. me and bill smile as we walk in. tom stepped out of the bus with his arms wide open nodding his head saying "yess guys it is me" without saying it. i giggle as we walks over.

the georg walls out while putting on his jacket. then gustav.

we were following our manger inside. the camera crew following behind us. we walk in to the room backstage getting ready. tom was talking to the camera about something random and it was funny.

i didn't wear the head band because it hurt my head but i wore everything else.

we got told it was time to put our ear peices in and we all went to the room. the guys got their in mid it was my turn.

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