The Revival of the Dark Lord

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Tom's Point Of View

I stood in the middle of the forbidden forest smirked down at my victim, a young boy known as Colin Creevey, as I adsorbed every last drop of his magical energy. I had managed to hypnotise him and lure him into the forest using the small amount of magic I had drained from the young Weasley child. I could feel my body reforming again gaining back my young body and the magic I once had before that night at the Potter's house. Speaking of Potter's I had foolishly let Potter and the Weasley girl escape under my grasp, but I had successfully managed to capture this young boy to help me regain my life instead of using that stupid Weasley girl.

It didn't take long for my magic to return and my snivelling follower known as Wormtail rushed to me handing me my wand. Ah it has been years since I've held it and I feel much stronger and much more powerful now that I have it. My step now was to entered into Hogwarts as a normal student. Then I'd worm my way into Potter's life and slowly destroy him from the inside. I'll get close to him, gain his trust then end him when his guard is down. From now on I shall take upon a new name to help me blend into the school, a pureblood wizard by the name of Marvolo Corvinus Mortev.

I had my "parents" send Dumbledore a letter asking for my immediate transfer saying that it was a sudden move after my "father" switched jobs and was promoted. My "parents" where really Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy pretending to be Cecilia Mortev and Grundwig Mortev. It didn't take long for the foolish old man to reply to the letter only moments before I was fully revived saying that I could attend and be sorted at the beginning of the next year. I would be entering into my third year alongside Potter and his friends giving me more of a chance to become closer to him.

My cover was still unknown as far as Potter knows I was destroyed along with the book, but that mere magic I had gain let me continue. So he would be clueless as to who I am when I enter into the school. Lord Voldemort is back.

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