A Lost Opportunity

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Belladonna's P.O.V.:-

I walked away from Roger, as I kept walking. And walking, and walking. This is so boring. Being the company of your own self... Wish that electronics and wireless worked at Hogwarts... then at least I could listen to some muggle music while enjoying a walk. It's not like there are flowers, each and every flower have wilted and shriveled up, due to the cold emitted by those ruddy dementors... fuck you Cornelius Oswald Fudge... fuck you... I kept walking till I spotted a shack, and saw my sister with Hermione. Wow! Bada bing... bada boom... time for some fun... after all I am the hardcore princess...... aren't I ......

"It's meant to be the most haunted building in Britain. Did I mention that?" said Hermione. There goes my sister with her know-it-all lectures. The exact party pooper...

"Twice." said Ron.

"Didn't know you counted her sentences Ronald" I said as he rolled his eyes.

"Better than counting your kinky hardcore ones..." he counter backed.

"Touché" I replied with my hand on my heart.

"Oh. Do you want to move a bit closer?" said Hermione totally ignoring my presence. Wow sister, obvious much...

"Huh?" said Ron like she'd grown four heads.

"To the Shrieking Shack?" she replied. Wow, my sister is challenging the famous sidekick of the blackheaded Harry Potter... Ron gulped as he looked at the shack and then at Hermione.

"Oh, oh, actually, I- I'm, I'm fine here." He said.

"Ronald and Hermione, kissing in the shack" I sang at the top of my octaves, as Hermione and Ron went as red as rubies. "First comes love and then marriage, then comes a little ginger wrapped around their back..." I continued to sing as Hermione came and shut my mouth with her hand, looking around rather embarrassed. Ronald looked somewhere else. But seemed that trouble had found them, as I licked Hermione's hand, as Hermione made a rather disgusting face, wiping her hand and avoiding looking at me, as she joined Ronald in looking at the shack. I turned to see it was Draco. No wonder... I mean, how the bloody hell could I forget... Hermione and Draco will be civil with each other, when Satan proposes to marry God himself!

"Well, well. Look who's here. You two shopping for your new dream home? A bit grand for you, isn't it, Weasel-Bee? Don't your family sleep in, ah- one room?" said Draco. Ron was about to pounce on Draco, when I caught hold of his jacket, and held him back, shaking my head not to do anything impulsive.

"Draco, be nice." I said.

"Oh hey Sara!" he said with a smile. "Loved those chocolates you sent from the muggle world. You were right they were good, the chocolates, though I hate the people who made it." I rolled my eyes, typical Draco... "Your father loves the muggles heh Weasel! He works in their stupid filthy department doesn't he! No wonder he's a shame in the name of a pureblood, he's worse than a squib, no wonder he brings nothing for you lot! I wonder whether he buys you lot things from loans or from money gathered by begging his way into the Ministry... what do you say heh!"

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