A Heated Moment

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Belladonna's P.O.V.:-

I had had enough of lab work. So I decided to take a break. I was in my reading about the anatomy of tigresses. That's when I saw Luna dreamily walking away, searching for something with the Quibbler magazine in her hand. She was just like her father, Xenophilius Lovegood, a pureblood Ravenclaw, who worked as the editor of the Quibbler magazine and accepting like her mother Pandora Lovegood nee Lightwood, a magi-researcher. She saw her mother through me. That was my friend Luna Pandora Lovegood, a dreamer and accepting pureblood 2nd year Ravenclaw, popularly known in the school by the name of Looney Lovegood as named by another pureblood, friend of mine, Draco Lucius Malfoy, a 3rd year Slytherin.

I had my blueberry slush in my hand, in my Gryffindor container, as I read my book when Luna came and sat beside me discussing how a girl in her year by the name of Latisha Randall, teased her and even took away her shoes. So she had to go to the classes without them. This made anger boil in me.

"Come on Lulykins, we are visiting a certain Ravenclaw named Latisha Randall." I said with anger, determination and vengeance in my voice. Luna knew it better than to stop me, when I was so determined. I was her best friend apart from Ginny. We were walking as she told me on the way how Cornelius Fudge was trying to create a pandemonium of the escape of Sirius Black, when he was actually trying to take over the Gringotts wizarding bank, as she handed me over with the latest edition of the Quibbler magazine.

"Come on Sera! Don't tell me you're friends with Looney Lovegood. Isn't it Looney! What did your looney father say. Oh what's this! Another stupid edition of the looney magazine!" he said picking on her. And then they surrounded her. Hell with my friends. If I need to stand up against them to protect a friend so be it. They can keep the friendship with me or leave it. If they leave with the bloody friendship it's their bloody loss.

"Stop it this instant" I said poking my wand onto Crabbe's neck. "Stop it, or crabbe has a bone fracture, right now!" I said. I held onto Crabbe as I looked at Goyle. "Goyle will be next, followed by the Greengrass sisters, Davies, Parkinson, Bulstrode, Pike, Nott, and Zabini. And you very well know it how lethal my self-invented curses are Malfoy!" I barked. Malfoy and his posse gulped as they ran for their lives. I saw Mortev was still standing. "What are you looking at!" I barked. I took Luna's hand and went to search for Randall and I found her by the lake suspending the shoes.

"Accio Luna's shoes" I thought and the shoes zoomed to my hand. "Here you are Luna" I said. I turned to a fuming Randall. "And you, next time I hear, you've been making fun of Luna, even Voldemort cannot save you from me." With that I left with Luna for the castle.

That evening, I had had a bath and changed into a . I put a warming charm onto myself as I went deep into the Forbidden Forest as I took hold of my rifle, the one which Hagrid in my first year of Hogwarts. I loaded the rifle gun, as I pulled the trigger and

"BOOM" went the sound, as the birds flew away. I conjured an apple, as I aimed at it, as I pulled the trigger making the bullet zoom through the apple. I did the same with the beer bottle. Right then I conjured an apple when I saw it was on Mortev's head. Wow! I smirked as I aimed at the apple and decided to shoot it. I released the trigger and shot the bullet.

"BOOM" it shot. Mortev cringed with fright. Amazing! I conjured up a bottle of butterbeer as I looked at it. I shot again as he looked frightened. Yea! Mortev glared as I pouted my lips and kissed my hand, and then turned slapping my ass with it as I went away to the castle. Take that Mortev!
I reached the castle, when McGonagall called me in. When I reached the room, I saw Harry was already there. She had such a somber expression on her face Harry thought someone must have died.

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