Bold Moves during Hagrid's Class

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Tom's Point Of View

Yet again I was another class at this stupid school, and yet again I was with Potter watching him closely seeing how he acted and what he was attached to. I was now waiting outside an old hut which belonged to our Care for Magical Creature's teacher, Hagrid. I remember when we were at school together and I framed him convincing people he was the one who opened the chamber placing the monster inside. This lead to his wand being snapped. It was rather satisficing seeing the minster of magic snap his wand into two and seeing the sadness wash over his face as the magic puffed out of his wand dissolving into the air.

Anyway, Hagrid appeared from inside the old house and led us all into the forest where he was going to teacher today's class. It was rather unusual, but many magical creatures where found and discovered in forests so at least he has linked the two together instead of just throwing his students into the forest. The students including myself followed him into the forest "Now open your books to page 49" Hagrid instructed us. "How do you expect us to do that exactly?" Draco snapped at the teacher holding the book that is ready to bite when you open it. "Just stroke the spine of course" Hagrid said and rolled his eyes as if it was an obvious statement. I chuckled and rolled my eyes leaning against a tree stroking the spine of the book making the weird creature of it purr.

After opening it to the correct page, I waited for the teacher to return looking around the group of students curiously wondering if she would be here and guess what she was. My eyes watched the younger Granger child as she continued to talk and smile with her friends. Something about her was different but it wasn't just her skills, I couldn't pin point what. Her dark brown almost black, waist long pinstraight hair, was tied into a horsetail. Her olive to fair skin appeared pale in her hair colour. She was curvaceous, yet not skinny. Her eyes were dark brown yet had specks of grey in them, making them look stormy brown in colour.

Hagrid returned with a large proud standing animal known as a Hippogriff. I leant back watching as Harry was volunteered to approach the animal. I wasn't really paying attention to him what so ever. I made my way over to Belladonna, I had the strong urge to talk to her and get close to her - what is wrong with me? I moved over to her and wrapped an arm around her shoulder and whispered in her ear.

"You are quite a fascinating mysterious young girl Miss Granger...." I whispered with my husky voice and smirked seeing a rush of goose bumps cover her skin "And I always one for uncovering mysterious.... and I can't wait to uncover you.... maybe in more than one way" I smirked being a little perverted before wondering off leaving her there blushing and frozen. I turned to see her giving me a deathly and venomous glare. As if telling to stay off her. As if that would happen. If the Dark Lord wants something, he does not stop, before he gets it. Let alone a mudblood lie her.

As I returned to my original spot just as Harry returned from his flight causing everyone to cheer. I saw Draco wondered over his big ego getting the best of him just like a typical Malfoy.

"You're not dangerous at all, are you, you great ugly brute." he spat. the bird immediately hurled him to the ground. I laughed as he was hit by the bird after strutting over to the proud creature insulting him. I watched as he rolled around on the floor whining and crying out in pain after the creatures claws scratched at his skin.

"HAHAHA! VERY FUNNY ISN'T IT MORTEV! PEOPLE CRYING IN PAIN! BECAUSE YOU ARE NOTHING, BUT A HUGE JACKASS WHO NEEDS HIS DICK CHOPPED AND SHOVED INTO HIS OWN MOUTH!" she spat at me angrily. I was then taken back when Belladonna stormed over shouting at me. I grabbed her chin and brought her face closer to mine.

"No need to shout dear, i'm right here" I said making my nose poke hers showing that we were really close and didn't need to shout. I smirked leaving her behind again after another bold move without giving her a chance to react. I quickly caught up to Draco and Hagrid as they headed into the school.

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