Does She Live in the Lab?

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Tom's Point of View;

I sighed as I headed to yet another defence against the dark arts lesson with Lupin, he wasn't a bad teacher but his first lesson with the boggart was boring and immature. As usually I was one of the first to arrive and place myself in my usually spot on the left side of the room beside the window. I preferred this spot so in case I got bored I could look outside and get lost in my daydreams of destroying potter. Not long later Belladonna walked into glass with the golden trio, as they were known. I smirked slyly as she sat herself down next to me. I rested my arm on the back of her seat and smirked "Morning Belladonna" I spoke with my thick English accent.

Before our conversation could continue further the load sound of the banging classroom door echoed through the room. All eyes snapped to the door seeing Snape strutting his way down the aisle of the class room, on his way he flicked his wand causing the door of the windows to snap shut, consuming the classroom in darkness – well there goes my day dream land. He waltzed over to the front and turned to us "Turn to page 394" I rolled my eyes unamused by his sudden appearance as teacher, clearly Lupin must be off for an odd reason. Everyone flicked through their text books looking for the required page, all lazily and unimpressed by the change in staff. Wait why is Snape in a dark arts lesson?

Before I could ask Potter chirped up and asked "Excuse me Sir, where's professor Lupin?" It's like he read my mind. "It's not really your concern, is it Potter?" Snape replied with his monotone voice, while his coal like eyes stayed latched onto Harry. "Suffice to say your professor finds himself incapable of teaching at the present time. Turn to page 394" He answered the tapped on the projector three times making it turn on. Well that didn't really answer the question now did it?

All of a sudden we heard Weasley say confused "Werewolves?" The Granger chirped in "But, sir, we've only just begun learning about Red Caps and Hinkypunks. We're not meant to start nocturnal beasts for weeks". Well done captain obvious I thought to myself and saw Belladonna nod "She's right sir". These two out bursts made Snape groan "Quiet!" As Snape paced around the room he began the lesson "Now. Which of you can tell me the difference between an Animagus and a werewolf?" Both mine, Belladonna's and Granger's hands flew up instantly, of course the three smartest students would know, but clearly Snape didn't care or didn't acknowledge our hands. "No One? How disappointing." Snape said then eyed his Slytherin students as if to say you should know this - I do know this, ask me idiot. Before Belladonna or I could answer him, Granger piped up with her back straight with her nose in the air as if she knows everything. "Please Sir, an animagus is a wizard who elects to turn into an animal, a werewolf has no choice, with each full moon when he transforms and no longer remembers who he is. He'd kill his bestfriends if he crossed his path. Furthermore the werewolf only responses to the call of his own kind" This deep explanation called Malfoy to howl making his chuckle slightly. Granger scowled at him slightly before turning her attention back to Snape who seemed unimpressed by her outburst.

"Thank you mister Malfoy" Snape said to Draco unamused by his little joke "Now this is the second time you have spoken out of term Miss Granger are you incapable of restraining yourself or do you take pride in being an insufferable know-it-all?" He hissed harshly at her making her cower back slightly in her seat. "He has a point. She needs to keep her mouth shut" I mumbled to Belladonna who simple rolled her eyes at me. "5 points from Gryffindor" Snape said making all the Gryffindors who were dotted around the classroom groan.

"As an antidote to your ignorance and on my desk by Monday morning, two rolls of parchment on the werewolf with emphasis on recognising it" He spoke loudly over the groaning students. I groaned and scribbled it down quickly then turned to Belladonna "wanna work on that together partner?" I winked at her making her once again rolled her eyes "You wish" She replied "Maybe I do" I answered making her just stare at me as if confused by my reply. "But sir it's Quidditch tomorrow" Harry whined like a child not wanting to miss out of a silly little game. Snape rushed over to his desk and towered over him "then I suggest you take extra care Mister Potter. Loss of limbs will not excuse it. Page 394" I swear he has said the bloody book number like 7 times this lesson - we get it page 394.

As the lesson continued Snape continued to talk about animagus and werewolves, while in the mean time I turned my attention to Belladonna occasionally throwing a cheeky comment to her or sly slip of the hand letting her fingers brush. She simply sneered at me, but a part of me thought that she liked it. Oh she's playing hard to get, I do like a challenge.

        As Defence against the dark arts finished I watched as Belladonna scurried out of the class, I tried to watch her, but she got caught in the crowd of students trying to leave making me lose sight of her. I sighed and gathered my things before leaving the classroom with Draco and Blaise. We walked down the corridors heading to dungeons and our common room since we all had a free session. As we continued to walk in silence I struck up a conversation "What can you two tell me about Potter?" I asked "He's a big headed know it all who loves the fame" Draco hissed showing more of his deep hatred towards Potter. "Does he have any weaknesses?" I asked "His parents, his pride and his friends. Mess with any of them and that would really set him off" Blaise told me causing me to smirk. I could use this both to my advantage "Why?" Blaise asked "Because he's a Gryffindor" I answered bluntly making them both smirk and nod "Pathetic Gryffindors" They said.

As we walked past the labs we saw Belladonna. "What is she doing?" I asked curiously wanting to go in there. I went to go inside until Snape stopped us "Stop loitering around the corridor boys and head to class or the common room" He said and pointed us away while blocking the door. I groaned "Yes professor". For the next few ours I was distracted by the thought of Belladonna - what was she doing in the lab? What was she making? Why do I even care that she was there? I groaned and threw myself back onto my bed making my head hit the pillow. These thoughts gave me headache now and I need to distract myself, so I changed to doing work and making a few plans while thinking of ways to weaken Potter.

Another hour past and it was time for dinner. I headed to the great hall with Draco and Blaise while Crabbe and Goyle followed behind like to two lost puppies - it was both sad and pathetic. We entered the hall and my eyes scanned the place for Belladonna, I couldn't see her. I was starting to get slightly worried about her. I stomped over to Potter and the twins "Where is Belladonna?" I asked with my back straight. They all looked at me "Why?" Potter asked "Because I don't see her here and I thought she would be with the twins but she isn't" I stated "Are you worried about her?" The twins teased me making me rolled my eyes "So what if I am?" I said making them all go silent and shrugged. "You guys are no use" I said with a groan and walked out of the hall needing to find her. I didn't understand why but worry continued to fill me.

I searched around the school for her, luckily dodging that stupid squid who continued to patrol the school while everyone sat in the hall digging into the large feast. Yet again I found her in the lab. What does she live here or something? I walked in watching her as she continued to concentrate on whatever she was doing. "What are you doing?" I spoke suddenly breaking the silence that filled the room. She jumped slightly and turned to me. She looked mad, but a small blush powdered my cheek as she saw me in my shirt with my tie loosely around my neck. I raised an eyebrow at her "What?" She growled at me "Get out! You are breaking my concentration!" She whined "Aww is my sexiness too much for you" I smirked and stepped closer backing her up to a desk. "You are as sexy as a slug" She snarled "What slugs have you been looking at?" I chuckled then kissed her neck "Don't forget to eat" I told her then left leaving her there with her heart pounding, I could hear it, and her cheeks red - I make her nervous... Excellent.

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