Stubborn as Always

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3rd Person's P.O.V.:-

Sun rose in the sky, spreading it's yellowish pinkish light as it's rays fell on the lake. The rays of light penetrated the lake, as the lake lit up within, making the Slytherin common room, and the dormitories light up all over. The rays fell onto a certain black curtained four poster bed of the Slytherin boys's dormitory, which had it's residents as Draco Malfoy, Blaise Zabini, and Tom Riddle aka Marvolo Mortev. Unlike the Gryffindors, who had five people a dorm, the Ravenclaws who had two people a dorm, and the Hufflepuffs who had six people a dorm, the Slytherins only had three people in a dorm.

The indirect rays of the sunlight passed through the mint green curtains of the four poster bed, as it fell onto Belladonna's eyes, making her blink a bit, as she tried to keep her eyes closed.

"Ummmmmmmmmmm" groaned Belladonna, as she rolled to her right, putting her hand unconsciously on Tom's boxers, which guarded his aroused manhood. She smiled as she slept in delight as Draco wiped his platinum blonde hair with his black towel to hear the purring sound. Frowning to himself he went to Tom's bed, and pulled the curtains to be greeted by the sight making it difficult for him to roar out with delight to tease Tom. Blaise came and joined Draco only to smirk at the sight before them. There lay Tom, all basking naked, clad only in his black and grey stripped silk boxers, and on his chest, rested Belladonna's head, as her hand was lying over Tom's little Mr. inserter.

"Looks like Mortev had a wonderful night..." mused Blaise.

"Tigger why are you hardening...." She murmured in sleep. "You are my soft toy, not some hard metal tube. Your tail is supposed to be soft and cushy..." This only made Draco and Blaise snicker at the girl. Theodore entered, along with Crabbe, and Goyle who were followed by the scarecrow loyal follower of Draco... Thomas Pike. Seeing the sight the six boys howled with laughter to see Belladonna almost spooning their gang's newbee, as she played with his crotch. Only on hearing them laugh, did Belladonna blink her eyes as she woke up. She looked at Blaise, Draco, Theo, Thomas, Vincent, and Gregory smirking like pack of wolves down at her, as she observed her situation. On seeing she was spooning Mortev, her eyes went wide with mortification. She was mollified to find herself fondling with Mortev's crotch. She saw herself in a boy's shirt. Summoning her dress, she magically changed back to her party dress and did her hair in a less messy updo. Then she threw the shirt in the bin, with disgust written all over her face.

"Crushing on Mortev huh Sara!" mused Draco as he teased his muggleborn Gryffindor friend. Belladonna simply glared like a hungry tigress as she pointed her wands at them.

"Tell this things to anyone. Anyone.... And I swear, all of you won't be able to give your parents their grandchildren." She growled in reply as the boys put up their hands in surrender. She then stormed all the way out of the Slytherin dorm, as she ran to the Gryffindor tower, almost running through Moarning Myrtle herself, shivering in cold over passing over the ghost. She saw Percy go out of the common room, and sneaked in as the door was open. Sneaking into her dorm, she immediately went and had a thorough bath. But all the while, her head was pounding like hell. It was like someone was playing drums and banging her head with clubs and bludgers to annoy the hell out of her.
Getting out of the bathroom in her , she met Hermione who held a permission slip to go to Hogsmeade and Diagon Alley.

"What's got you so worked up!" she said.

"Later Mione, later..." Belladonna replied.

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