A Twist In Line... Endangers Nine

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Belladonna's P.O.V.:-

Christmas was over, and now students had begun to arrive. Harry had received a Firebolt with an anonymous note, and Hermione being the prudent nun that she is, went and complained to McGonagall. McGonagall even took mine, but didn't keep it. Because fortunately, I showed her the receipt that I had bought it for myself. Meanwhile, Harry's Firebolt broom was being stripped and checked of any curses and hexes and jinxes if there. McGonagall even took one of my invented potions to reveal any spells put on the broom. And as for the boys, they were furious with Hermione. Ginny was slightly as well, after all, apart from Katie, she was the substitute chaser of the Gryffindor Quidditch team.

Harry though practiced with the school brooms. Hermione resorted herself to the library. At times, I would be there with her, or I would simply be found with a book on advanced spells and even in the school lab. My feast would be in the Hogwarts kitchens, occasionally joining Fred, George and even Cedric.

One evening I decided to join Professor Lupin to help to teach blackhead, the Patronus charm, since he fears fear or should I say dementors. I waited in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, in my , as I was going through my essay, when Harry entered the class, in his Gryffindor uniform.

"There you are blackhead, you came. Someone blow the bugle." I sassed making Harry smirk as he shook his head, while Professor Lupin almost barked out in laughter.

"Now, are you sure about this, Harry? You know this is very advanced magic, well beyond Ordinary Wizarding Level."Professor Lupin said.

"I'm sure." Blackhead replied.

"Well, everything is prepared." Professor Lupin said. "Now, the spell I'm going to try to teach you, for which Miss Granger has volunteered to help with, is called the Patronus Charm. Did you ever hear of it? No? Miss Granger would you care to elaborate?"

"Well... a Patronus is a kind of positive force, and for the wizard or the witch who can conjure one, it works something like a shield, with the dementor feeding on it rather than him or her. It is a silvery light and who made it, is yet unknown. But, yes the Patronus is your soul guardian, and was mainly made to fight dementors and Lethifolds. Even act as shield. But here's the catch, it's said that no dark witch or wizard can conjure the charm, or they will be endevoured by maggots. But there's a loophole, they can only if they feel a powerful positive emotion called love."I said. Harry looked shocked by the information.

"Thank you Miss Granger, even for the extra information, though I am sure you have far more which you have withheld." said Professor Lupin. "But in order for it to work, you need think of a memory. And not just any memory, a very happy memory... A very powerful memory. Can you do this? Yes. Very well. Close your eyes..."Harry closed his eyes. "concentrate... explore your past... Do you have a memory? Allow it to fill you up... Lose yourself within it... Then speak the incantation:Expecto Patronum."

"Expecto Patronum..." said Harry as he pointed his holly wood wand, and a gush of silvery woozy light came out of it.

"Very good. Shall we? Wand at the ready." Lupin said. Harry nodded as I opened the cupboard for him, and a Boggart came out taking the form of a dementor, Harry's worst fear, Professor Lupin's worst fear being the full moon exposing his werewolf condition to everyone, and mine being getting married at a young age and then expected a young one. Harry pointed his wand at the Boggart and spoke the incantation.

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