Divinitions and Dueling

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Tom's Point Of View

It was the first full day of classes and I had been handed my schedule by Severus Snape. He eyed me suspiciously before walking off, I rolled my eyes at the clueless old man before heading off to my first class of the day, Divinations. It was a seemingly boring class from what I've heard, but I knew that Potter was taking it. I wondered if that girl, Belladonna would be in the class - I would love to see her use her magic up close so I could see the strong power that Draco had spoken about.

I walked into the classroom to see the foolish old teacher stumbling around shaking as she greeted her students, helpless falling and tripping over her own desk. Most of the Slytherins laughed at her while I simple shrugged it off and sat myself in the back corner of the room. It didn't take long for the class to start. I was forced to drink that piss that the teacher called tea so I could see that shapes it made. Boredly my eyes scanned the room and saw Potter with his friends Weasley and Granger, but it wasn't the Granger I was seeking. "Malfoy" I hissed quietly at him making him turn around "Where's Belladonna?" I asked him "She doesn't take this class, she is doing some advanced class... something about duelling. I don't know sorry" Draco said before turning his attention to the front.

The only reason Malfoy was acting so casual with me is because he thinks I am just the son of a friend of his father's and his parents told him to be there when I need him. He was absolutely clueless that I was the powerful dark lord who had come back stronger than ever.

As the class continued I listened hearing something about the grim and Harry. I smirked seeing many people's face drain of colour out of fear of this omen of death. "That is the least of your worries Potter" I whispered to myself making Draco look at me weirdly with an eyebrow raised "What? I don't like him" I simple stated to Draco, being blunt enough to not reveal too much. Draco smirked "We are gonna be good friends" He said knowing that him and myself now had a mutual hatred towards the Potter boy.

Belladonna's P.O.V.:-

I woke up early morning and stretch myself as I felt my camisole rise. I rushed to the bathroom. I knew that like usual, I woke up half an hour before the alarm went off. I took a nice shower, and brushed my teeth. I . I went down and had some kippers and apple juice, as Professor Minnie handed over the timetable.

"What have you got?" I asked Hermione, Ron and Harry, who'd joined me.

"Charms" said Fred and George Weasley. They always answered my questions.

"Divinition" said Harry and Ron.

"Same" said Hermione.

"How boring! I am going to the Forbidden forest. Have class with Professor Shafiq" I said as I rushed out of the Great Hall. When I reached there, I saw I was early. Slowly the class began to file in and I saw most of them were Ravenclaws. Yep. Indeed. Along with a few strong Hufflepuffs, and some nasty Slytherins.

"Good morning everyone, I am Zubeidaa Shafiq, and I shall be your professor for the subject of Art of Dueling. Now, first I want each and every one of you to follow me." With that we began to follow her into the Forbidden Forest, and there we came across two caves.

"As you can see, these will be the places where you shall change into your combat dress. I'd prefer it if you wore clothes which allow you freedom of mobility. Girls the right cave, the boys the left one." We went and changed. I took off my shoes and socks, as well my Gryffindor uniform, and came out in my shorts and top with combat boots. Soon we all filed outside.

"Now to be a good duelist, what are the things which are required?" asked Professor Shafiq.

"Power" said a Slytherin.

"No, but a good attempt" said Professor Shafiq.

"Energy" said a Hufflepuff.

"Partly" said Professor Shafiq. Getting fed up of their answers, I raised my hand. "Yes Miss..."

"Granger Professor" I said. "It's strategy" I said. "You require strategy, along with bravery, proper utilization of resources, creativity, perseverance, loyalty to your side, fraternity for your side along with self-preservation and will to sacrifice oneself for your chosen side."

"Couldn't have put it better myself. Take twenty points for Gryffindor." Said Professor Shafiq. "The most important thing you need is strategy, without strategy you'll lose a duel. Now the basics is the fact, that muggle and magical dueling can be combined, if one knows proper use of it, we all have latent powers in us, and another most important thing. Never underestimate yourself have confidence in yourself, allow your opponent to underestimate you, but don't you dare underestimate him or her. Because if you do, you'll lose."

By the end of the class we got an assignment to write down all the ideal requirements of a duelist. We even got a basic textbook. I went along with the other girls to the cave and changed into my and ran towards the entrance of the class.

"Class dismissed" said Professor Shafiq. We all went towards our next class. Well I searched for Hagrid's hut. As soon as I came I saw Hermione, Ron and Harry rushing towards the hut. Draco, Blaise, Vincent, Gregory, Theodore, Pansy, Millicent, Tracey, Daphne and Astoria already there. And there was this new guy, and idiot Marvolo Mortev. I went and joined Seamus and Neville, as I stood aside waiting for my sister, and my adventure gang to join me.

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