His Angel

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Third Person Point of View:

It was currently the night of the party and Ginny and Belladonna were enjoying themselves. Ginny was simple enjoying the fruit punch while Belladonna was savouring the taste of her mixed cocktail. Her cocktail was a speciality of Oliver Wood who created it when he was messing around with a few friends. The drink contained a very strong sharp alcohol known as Firewhiskey, with a splash of other strong alcohols like rum, vodka and gin, then is topped with something sweet, Butterbeer.

It didn't take long after the party for Tom to arrive with Draco and his lackies. Upon arriving Tom sees Belladonna dancing around with the Weasley twins, Cedric and Roger. Rage filled his body seeing she was surrounded by men who weren't good enough for her and how she didn't listen to the fact that she was his. Jealously accompanied the anger. He needed to close to her and get her away from the boys.

As an idea spring to mind Tom strutted over to Belladonna needing to get her away from those boys. He grabbed her hands and pulled her into his chest shocking her causing her to gasp and blush slightly. Belladonna was surprised at Mortev's (Tom's) sudden move. She smirked at him and began to tango leaving him slightly frozen and confused. Tom was now embarrassed because he didn't know how to. He was sinking right now, he wanted to dance but he couldn't.

Luckily, a dunk Ginny stumbled over and grabbed Belladonna dancing with her giving Tom a chance to back off "Having trouble Mortev?" A voice spoke from behind him, turning around Tom saw Theodore "I don't know how to tango" He stated. Theodore chuckled and led him away from the party and gave him lessons not wanting to see a fellow Slytherin drowning on the dance floor. Tom quickly caught on to all the steps and smirked now knowing he was ready. He formally shook Theodore's hand "Thank you" Theodore chuckled and patted his back "Go get her"

Tom left Belladonna to continue her carefree dancing with the Weasley girl. His eyes locked onto Belladonna watching how she gracefully danced around, the soft movement of her hips, the way her hair cascaded down her back. He saw his opportunity and walked over to her grabbing her waist pulling her close so their bodies blended together.

After a successful dance full of smiling and closeness, their bodies entwined together the whole time. In the blink of the eye the party was over. Ginny Weasley had vomited all over Draco Malfoy before passing out into Blaise's arm. Tom chuckled and wrapped an arm around Belladonna's shoulder 

"Good luck with that Blaise" He said leading Belladonna away hearing Blaise whine about being left with a drunk Gryffindor. "You really know how to dance. It's hot seeing how your body moves" Tom spoke huskily to Belladonna who giggle at him and blushed slightly "Thanks"

They continued to walk and talk, both smiling and laughing as they headed to the Gryffindor tower. He sees her becoming tired and stumbling slightly down the corridor. He chuckled at her feeble attempts to walk. In a matter of seconds he had scooped her up into his arms and held her close to his muscly chest. Belladonna couldn't help but relax in his arms, her head resting on his shoulder. She couldn't understand why she was beginning to feel different, maybe it was the alcohol or maybe she was falling in love with the dark haired new boy. Upon arriving at Gryffindor tower Tom realises he doesn't now the password and was about to ask her "Bella what's the password?" He whispered then saw the beautiful dark haired angel asleep in his arms. A small smile spread across his face as he held her, he rarely ever smiled, it was always a smirk or nothing, but around Belladonna all he wanted to do was smile.

Since there was no chance of him getting into the Gryffindor dorms, he took her to his dorm where his roommates, Draco and Blaise smirked at him. A death glare sent the pair scurrying out of the room. This gave him the chance to change her into his shirt and a pair of his shorts, using his wand obviously. He stripped down to his boxers and slipped into the bed beside her where he had laid her. He curiously watched as she rolled over in her sleep and curled into his chest. He smiled and wrapped his arm around her waist drifting into a deep sleep with his angel in his arms.

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