The Traitor is Revealed

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Belladonna's P.O.V.:-

Exams arrived and we all were working hard. I had learnt the different chapters on dueling, different ways to take care of flobberworms, and other creatures, age reducing potion, animagus, some of charms especially cheering charms since Professor Flitwick had hinted that they would turn up for our examinations.

I jogged to the Great Hall, as I sat beside Harry piling up my plate with bacons and toast with poached eggs and coffee, as I began to have it going through my Art of Dueling notes, and practical rules.

"Never let him frighten you. Secondly don't underestimate him, let him underestimate you in return." I mumbled my notes as Hermione put it down.

"Calm down Tiggers! We all are revising our notes here!" shouted Hermione.

"Then get some ear plugs" I sassed as I went on. Half of my breakfast was left when the bell rang, and I ran all the way to the Dueling Arts studio. We were taught them. When we reached there we made a queue.

"Alright as I call the number please go and select your golems accordingly. S stands for Slytherin, you will choose Professor Hagrid golem, G stands for Gryffindor you will fight Professor Dumbledore golem, R stands for Ravenclaw, and you have the Professor McGonagall golem and H for Hufflepuff and you have Professor Snape golem. S1, G1, R1 and H1. Take your positions and duel. Marks will be awarded as according to the recoding in the charmed hidden cameras. Meanwhile the rest will answer the viva. Mr. Vaisey, Miss Bones, Mr. Boot and Miss Granger please come along with me."

After four hours of viva and dueling Professor Dumbledore golem we were left. I had a shower as I sat in the common room, while Harry came to Hermione, Ron and me.

"I need to tell you something" he said.

"Shoot away" I said. I was done with the researches for the year. We were done with the Quidditch matches and Gryffindor had won the Quidditch cup of the year. So booo yeah.

"Trelawney acted weirdly." he said. "Her voice went as if she was possessed by something. And she said, and I quote, "Tonight, he who betrayed his friends, whose heart rots with murder, shall break free. Innocent blood shall be spilt, and servant and Master shall be reunited once more."

"Well whatsoever the case is Harold. I wouldn't take her words just like that. I may not believe in the Divinition mumbo jumbo, but sometimes things do come true, and I have been having a gut feeling that today something bad is about to happen."

That evening we all our way to Professor Hagrid's hut.

"I can't believe they're going to kill Buckbeak! It's just too horrible." That's when we saw Draco with his lackies. Shit!

"It just got worse." Harry said. And to worsen the matters at hand, Hermione pulled out her vine wood wand, and marched towards the blondie. Oh my Merlin! Hermione is about to do something! We need to stop her immediately or Lucius Malfoy will ruin her career especially with our blood status and house. Draco meanwhile, was watching Hagrid's hut with his Omniculars.

"Did I tell you? Father said I can keep the hippogriff's head. I think I'll donate it to the Gryffindor's common room." He told Crabbe. Vincent spotted me as he gulped and began to pat Draco's hand to gain attention as Draco simply shoved it aside. Mortev was there too. "Oh, this is going to be rich."

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