A Nightime Stroll

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Belladonna's P.O.V.:-

I was in Professor Snape's office discussing about the current events. Even about that rat known as Scabbers, and how he's missing or apparently been eaten by Hermione's cat. What I felt about the Marauders and about Professor Lupin in general as a werewolf. And that now, I am a registered animagus.

"I don't know about Black sir," I said. "But being an animagus I can know an animagus if I see one. I can smell it. Black, I've met him." I said.

"Why did you meet him Miss Granger!" shouted Professor.

"Silencio" I said as he shut. Good. "Now listen to me professor. It's time we see things from all angles. Black has escaped Askaban for two reasons – a) to prove his psychoticism by killing Pettigrew. A crime he was accused for twelve years ago and b) to meet Harry. Now being an animagus, some feature of the animagus form comes to us. Our senses get enhanced. We can hear, smell, see, feel, and taste better than any human or ordinary witch. So yes, I have better senses than you now sir." I said as I looked at Professor Snape. "And with time I will prove to you that there is a death eater in this castle itself. What did you say about Pettigrew? That all was left of him was a finger. Am I right? Scabbers has one finger missing. He's missing, escaping Ronald and the Weasleys. Hiding Merlin knows where! And did you not tell me, that there was a traitor amongst the Order. I feel he is the traitor. If you promise me to keep you mind open, and let the events unfold, then we can solve the mystery of the murderer behind James and Lily Potter. Your lovely Lily Potter nee Evans." I counter spelled him; as he stared at me.

"The theory though not proved, holds logic." He said. "If observed, yes there have been claw marks on the Fat Lady's portrait as if it has been mauled by some mongrel." I bit my doughnut, as I sipped my coffee. "We should let the events unfold. And if I see that Pettigrew is indeed alive; I will support you. Now, if I find it true. I can witness. But that will only prove Black as innocent of the crime accused. The real catch is how can we prove Pettigrew is the guilty one."

"It's time I contacted Arthur Weasley on tampering with muggle items. Time I knew the basics. How about we contact Arthur Weasley to help us out to tamper with a hidden video camera?" Professor Snape smirked at my idea.

Harry's P.O.V.:-

I watched the Marauder's map. It was amusing seeing the little footsteps walking about. Dumbledore was walking in his study, as Ron woke up.

"Oh, ah- Spiders! T-there's spiders. Spiders. They want me to tap dance. I don' wanna tap dance." Ron cried.

"You tell those spiders, Ron." I said.

"Oh, yeah. T- t- tell them. I'll tell 'em... I'll tell 'em..." he said as he went back to sleep. I laughed as I observed the map; and then I saw two names. Tom Riddle Junior in the Slytherin common room, and another name. Someone who is supposed to be dead walking in the castle....... Peter Pettigrew.


"Peter Pettigrew" said Madame Rosemerta.

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