Study Session

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Third Person Point of View

At the end of potions class the other day Tom also known as Mortev had told Belladonna to meet him at library to being our project research. Tom sat there in the corner reading one of the books that he had collected scribbling down notes. Honestly, he wasn't actually expecting her to turn out, since he knew she wasn't a massive fan of him. But he was shocked to see her walk into the library and look for him. He waved her over and gave her a book "read and write" He instructed her and watched her sit down in silence and actually do it. Belladonna knew she had to get this stupid project done either if it meant working with some weird creepy guy like Mortev.

She would occasionally look up and glance over at him as they both scribbled down some notes. Tom would occasionally catch her looking at him which made her look away quickly. As annoying as he was he was quite a cutie and handsome. Tom sighed bored of reading the same pieces of information over and over again. He was researching about it and the history of it while Belladonna was researching about how to make it and the effects of it. He finished reading his set of books and then showed her all his notes. "What do we do now?" She asked him "We have to write an essay about it and actually make the bloody potion" He said.

For a least another hour they sat together talking about how they would set out and write the essay. In the end they both sighed feeling bored and finished planning. This is when Tom stood up and gathered his things "Come on I'll treat you to a Butterbeer" He said since it was a weekend. Belladonna looked at him suspiciously wondering if she should go with him or not. In the end she decided.... Yes.

Belladonna's P.O.V.:-

Mortev had called me in the library, to do some project work. Bloody project... I don't care a damn about this Amortentia potion. I mean seriously, it's a love potion, the most powerful love potion in the world, and it creates strong infatuation and obsession in the victim. What if, that creep, administers Amortentia to me with something of him in it. It's creepy!!!

I still changed from my uniform to something , and reduced my lab wear, and put it into my pocket. I put my transformed my wand into a dangling belt and tied my hair with a small clip, and wore my white pumps and went down. I had to get there. I always kept my quill, with never ending ink, and spare scrolls of parchment with me.

I went to the library and saw the rascal there, waving at me. Rolling my eyes, I took out my parchment scrolls and quill secretly, and sat across him. He gave me some books to research on.

"Read and write" he instructed me. May be he thought that I'd take hours to find the exact thing. Idiotic scoundrel, son of a pig, bastard... did he think me to be below the idiots who can't fend for themselves! Had he not given me, I'd gone to the right section, in the exact row, in the right shelf, and taken the right books. But he saved my energy. I flipped to the right pages and began to write on the making of the potion and its effects on the victim. It's simple it creates high infatuation and obsession in the victim, for the person whose part is there. It does not create true love. And it smells differently to different people. I had made it once, and given it to Professor Sev Snape for keeping a sample for his class, and I had smelt, pumpkins, musk, a spicy cologne, and mint aftershave along with parchments, ink, smell of books, and strawberry and dark chocolates along with black roses.

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