A Day in Hogsmeade

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                I sat in the Gryffindor common room as I thought about my discussion with Professor Snape that had taken place this evening.

                                    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Flashback ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Please tell me the modifications and their main effects Miss Granger." said Professor Snape.

"Well sir, here's the original sample of the Wolfsbane potion you'd given me. and these vials have the modifications. Now as we all know Wolfsbane potion is used to help the werewolf have a control of a part of his mind, during transformation and more. But the usage of sugar renders it harmless, though further research shows that simple sugars such as glucose from sugar do. Though compound and complex sugars, such as starch and fructose do not. And neither do alcohol or something bitter. So I decided to experiment the potion with apple cider and dark chocolates having 70-98% of cocoa in it. I found that Wolfsbane potion laced with apple cider, the human part will have control over the beast of the werewolf, though there will be conflict. It's effects being stronger than just Wolfsbane potion, but milder than that of Wolfsbane with dark chocolates. Now when the Wolfsbane potion is laced with dark chocolates, the human part has total control over the beast. Yes the werewolf will transform on full moons, but he'll feel it moments before the rise of the full moon, making him isolate himself from others, his transformation almost painless as compared to Wolfsbane potion and Wolfsbane potion laced with apple cider, and the human in him will have total control over his beast. So if the beast wants to kill any human, his human part will not allow the beast to do it. So I recommend that you give Professor Lupin the Wolfsbane potion laced with dark chocolates having 70-98% cocoa in it." I said.

"How did you know he's a werewolf?" asked Professor Snape.

"Oh I cracked it even before the essay you'd set Professor. Well A) he has scratches and scars over his face, B) he has a rather skinny appearance, C) he falls ill on next day of every full moon, D) every week prior to the full moon night, he's is suffering from mood swings, and E) his boggart is a full moon. Only a werewolf will be afraid of the full moon so as not to transform in front of others revealing his secret." I said.

"Well done Miss Granger. You've truly made me proud." Professor Snape replied.

                            ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End of Flashback~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I sat in the common room as I shut my personal copy of The Chocolate War by Robert Cormier. I sat there as I overheard Harry speak to Ron.

"Well I'm thinking about taking out my Invisibility Cloak. As in after you all go, I will sneak into Hogsmeade, and we all could have fun." He said.

"Sounds like a plan mate" said Ron. Harrykins, Harrykin, Harrykins... when will you have a better plan than an invisibility cloak. It's obvious, with the teachers especially Professor Snape knowing about it, they'll suspect you. Well, time to play the role of the Pranking Princess. I went and found Fred and George working over some sort of toffee prototype. It's their fifth year, they need to study for their O.W.L.s but here they are, making prototypes for their products for their joke shops......

"Frederick Gideon Weasley and George Fabian Weasley, I have a news for you two. We are handing over the Marauder's map to Harry James Potter." I said.

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