Dementor Attack

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Belladonna's P.O.V.:-

"Move it you bloody rat!" I kicked Scabbers. The idiot was nipping off my chocolate chip cookies. How dare the rat nip it off. If he does it again, I'm releasing hermione's pet cat Crookshanks on him. Or am setting Ron's bed on spiders; and acramantulas, for not taking care of his pet... I went and got a shower, and came out in a towel to find the rat still there. I took my wand and pointed it at the rat, as it scurried away. Ruddy rat! That rat is downright fishy!!! I felt as if someone was checking me out, like a pervert!!!

I put on my , since we would be travelling north today. And then I levitated my trunk downstairs, as we all boarded the cars sent by the Ministry of Magic for Harry. At fifteen minutes to eleven we reached the Kings Cross Station, and put our trunks and pets on the trolley. And then we rushed through the barrier, and I basically ran through the barrier. We hurried our way, as we saw Percy act rather oddly, heaving up his chest showing off his badge with now read Bighead Boy thanks to the works of the Weasley twins. This is not my prank. Obviously. My pranks have a tendency to go hardcore.

We saw this and Harry, Ginny and I had a hearty laugh at Percy's behavior. We went past Blaise as he winked at me, and I winked back at him. Then I saw his boy with nice features, dark brown hair and dark eyes, pale skin next to Malfoy. He looked nice, but I am Belladonna. I won't let the chum know that I find him good looking. That's so not my character...

I went and boarded the train along with Hermione, as Malfoy spat his greeting s to us.

"Move it mudbloods." He said. I saw the boy look at us with disgust, as I rolled my eyes. I smirked as I saw Fred and George.

"Not leaving me are you boys?!" I teased them.

"Oh can we Mini" said Fred.

"After all you're our pranking partner, Anna" said George.

"Our very own Pranking Princess" said the Weasley twins. Picking me and giving me a ride in their compartment. On the way I felt a pair of eyes on me. The whole journey we cracked jokes.

"Take this for example. Oh you're going to bed. May I slyther in?" I said as we all laughed aloud. Soon the trolley lady came and I went and took some fizzing whizbeas. The boys decided to change their uniforms, as I went to Harry's compartment. I knocked as Harry opened relieved that it was me. I went and sat as Ron asked Harry with questions. Harry continued with what he'd said to them, as Ron and Hermione looked abashed.

"Wait, let me get this straight. Sirius Black has escaped Askaban, and he coming for you!" said Ron.

"Well done Ronald. Ten points to Gryffindor!" I said making Harry and Hermione crack a smile. I noted the sleeping man suppress a laugh. Wow, may be he's stopping himself from something.

"But they'll catch Black, won't they?" said Hermione. "I mean – everyone's looking for him!"

"Black is a raving lunatic!" said Ron.

"Thanks Ron" said Harry.

"Cause I'm gonna Avada Kedavra your ass." I said making his face go pale. All of a sudden we began to slow down.

"We can't be there yet" said Hermione.

"Well done Sherlock" I said.

"Sherlock was a man. So don't change my gender" sassed Hermione as I smirked at her. "Stop smirking, it's making me nervous." The train began to slow as it lurged making us jerk backwards. The lights began to go out one by one, and the glasses began to freeze. Something black and cloaked was moving outside.

"Someone's coming aboard" said Ron.

"Ouch Ron that was my foot." said Hermione. Harry went and checked the door, and the train lurged, making him sit down as the door slid violently. We saw cloaked figures moving as all of a sudden a skeletal, slimy hand of death slid open the door. It saw Harry and began to suck away, and almost perform the dementor's kiss. That bloody dementor! How dare he!

All of sudden everything happened in that moment. The man got up at the same time as me as we said the spell together.

"Expecto Patronum" we said together as a silvery wolf and a silvery tigress erupted and pounced onto the dementors driving it away and harry fainted to unconsciousness. The lights came back as the man faced me.

"Good work, that was a powerful patronus out there. Which year are you in?" he said.

"Third" I said.

"And what electives are you taking?" he asked.

"Care of Magical Creatures and Ancient Runes" I said.

"Take the new subject which's been introduced. "Take Art of Dueling. I know you'll excel in that. Meet with Professor McGonagall and get it changed. I heard they give the basic textbook in class. So you'll have no problem." He then gave us chocolates. I took out some éclairs pops and packed it up in nine separate packets and whistled. My snow owl Neva came and I gave the pouches to her.

"Give it to Draco and his gang" I said. Neva then flew away.

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