Sorting Ceremony and That Girl Again

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Tom's Point Of View

I watched as all the foolish excited first years waited outside the hall as McGonagall shushed them to calm down, while I leant against the wall "Wait here students" She instructed them before turning to me "Come with me mister Mortev" I nodded and followed her. The large doors of the hall swung open and all the students snapped towards me and the old woman as she walked down the aisle to the front. I stood just before the steps of the stage while the foolish old man, better known as Albus Dumbledore rose from his large throne like seat. I should be sitting there, but the gold frame isn't my style, I'd prefer it to be silver, cold and sharp just like me.

"Welcome back to another year at Hogwarts" His voice boomed through the large hall, shivers rushed through my body as I had flash back of my years at Hogwarts when he would great us like that every year. "Before the first years come in and are sorting I would like to introduce and house a new student of ours. Marvolo Mortev. He is a new transfer student, transferring into his third year here after his parents' sudden move with their work" He announced and explained to the students as they all looked confused as to why I was transferring during my third year.

McGonagall called me up to the old uneasy stool to be sorted for my second time. I sat down on the stool, the old legs shaking slightly, but luckily my feet were firmly on the ground so I wouldn't fall, but all to support myself more. She placed the old hat on my head which seemed to become suspicious about me as if he could remember me, but luckily I had charms covering me so no one like the hat or Dumbledore could recognise my presence. He mumbled to himself before announcing loudly "SLYTHERIN!" The Slytherin table erupted in cheers and clapping while most others just weakly clapped not really fond of the idea of their being another Slytherin. I walked proudly over to the table I once sat at and placed myself beside the young Malfoy boy.

After the first years had been successfully sorted the feast began and everyone dove into the food. I merely picked at the food which did not appeal to me and continued to sip my pumpkin juice, until I saw Malfoy and his friends holding small bags of chocolates. I raised an eyebrow.

"What are those?" I asked him with my stern forceful voice. Draco turned to me and explained how his friend Belladonna Granger gave them to him "I thought you don't talk to muggle-borns?" I asked him. Draco shook his head.

"I don't. I can't stand her pathetic sister, but Belladonna isn't like her. She is the cool twin. She is the dream girl of the male population of Hogwarts. She is in Hogwarts Chess Club, Hogwarts Dueling Club, Hogwarts Research Committee, as well as Chaser and Reserved Beater of the Gryffindor Quidditch team. She has the attitude and power of a Slytherin, and the proud behaviour of a pureblood witch. Belladonna is different. She can be wise, intelligent, cunning, ambitious yet brave." Draco explained to me.

I listened to him before looking over at the girl, her brown eyes snapping over to me, our eyes locking neither one of us breaking eye contact "is she strong?" I asked him while my eyes stayed focused on hers.

"Very. She is rather advanced for a third year" Draco informed me making a smirk spread across my face.

"Excellent" Maybe I will pursue this girl, gain her trust and bring her over to my side, if she is as strong as Malfoy says then she would be a useful allies.

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