Enjoy Kissing the Girls Mortev

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Third Person's P.O.V.:-

Belladonna got up early and went to the lab. She finished her modifications of the Wolfsbane potion. She'd been experimenting it with molten chocolates and apple cider. She even wrote down the after effects of the potion. She knew that if she wanted to become a successful animagus, she needed to train with McGonagall, and for that she needed to finish of the potion as fast as possible. She was also done with her portion of making the Amortentia, and her part of the potions project. She even had extra's in case, Mortev alias Tom Riddle did anything with her vial of the love potion. She always had a back up. She was always way ahead. All the teachers also agreed that regarding a fight, if belladonna was put against Voldemort, she'd always be five fifteen steps ahead of him.

She went down to breakfast later, in her , as she piled up her plate with pumpkin pancakes, eggs, bacon, and kippers with haggis. She poured herself a mug of hot coffee as she sipped it drinking her coffee, as she elegantly chewed and nibbled her breakfast. All through the time, Belladonna felt a pair of eyes burning into her head, and she turned to see it was Mortev. Seeing him she scowled remembering the kiss on the neck. Fortunately she had some muggle yet magically charmed protection devices on her, so her kisser felt he kissed her, but she would remain untouched. After all she knew she was the dream girl of the Hogwarts male population that included not only hot boys, and cool boys, but also good and genuine, along with the bad, perverted, players and stalkers. So she had to be vigilant at all times...

Taking her headphones which she'd charmed in the lab, she put it on the music Shake your pom pom by the muggle singer Missy Elliot for the film Step Up 2: The Streets. She took Ginny's hand as she began to street dance all the way to her classes. The hall full of students, were awestruck at her moves. The boys and the girls wondered whether she even had a bone in her body, regarding how she moved. Oliver Wood fortunately shifted them all to the Quidditch fields to practice. Gently taking away her headphones, he switched it off with the help of the Weasley twins, and began to tell them off the strategy, especially of playing against Hufflepuff, glaring at the older girls. Alicia, Katie, Ginny giggled along with Angelina. Oliver had let Ginny join the team as a reserved chaser like Katie Bell. The Weasleys, Oliver, Harry and Belladonna wondered, what was so much; about this sixth year boy that, he was appreciated by the girls.

"Well whatever the fuck happens, don't drool over him at the match!" snapped Belladonna, who was obsessed with the notion of victory over the other people. Especially her sister. "I don't want Gryffindor to lose the match because two of our chasers are so busy drooling over him, that they lost track of the Quaffel." Katie and Angelina rolled their eyes.

Meanwhile Tom was looking at Belladonna, clad in her . He found her appearance rather very appealing, especially with her dark chocolate waist long, pin straight hair tied into a high bun, highlighting her cheekbones, especially as she glared at her fellow chasers. Earlier that day, he'd spotted her going to change in the locker rooms in a scarlet Quidditch Team hoodie with denims and black riding boots. He saw her hold a broom in her hand as she used her finger speaking to the other four girls, as if a mother was lecturing her four daughters about morality. He found it rather hilarious. He noted a sandy brown curly haired tall and burly boy of thirteen in Gryffindor uniform staring at Belladonna. That infuriated him.

How dare he stare at my Belladonna like she is some property and some piece of juice steak of his? She is not something to shove your manhood into... Wait... did I just call the mudblood my Belladonna... may be she's distracting me too much... thought Tom. He watched the Gryffindors practice, as he saw her fly in the air, like a rocket, and then zoom at a dangerous manner surprising Wood, nearly knocking his off his broom as she threw the Quaffel through the hoops.

Soon practice was over, and Belladonna descended to the ground. They were going to the chasing rooms. That was when the Gryffindor boy, better called Cormac McLaggen came running to Belladonna and held her waist like some gunny bag.

"I love you" he said pouting his lips as he went to attack her lips with his own.

"Casteri" began Belladonna as Cormac left her and ran like a cheetah, for the sake of his life. The Weasleys were laughing so did the girls. They always found him vile. Tom looked at the situation and at the boy who ran, with amusement in his eyes. He wondered what the girl must have done. She'd not kneed his manly jewels. That was for sure...

"What did you do Bells?" asked Ginny.

"Threatened to cast the castration hex on him and he ran for his life." Said Belladonna making the whole gang laugh... Tom suppressed a laugh. The girl surely was something.

Belladonna's P.O.V.:-

I took a nice shower as I changed into my as I told her about how Mortev intimidated me, and how he kissed my shoulder yesterday. Ginny became much tensed as she heard this. Like a protective mother lioness.

"You have to stay away from him. He's a Slytherin. I find him weird and something spooky." Ginny said. "He's not interested in girls, when they are, and he's showing too much of an interest in you. Turning up wherever you are. It's like he's stalking you or something. And I've noted him staring at you since day one of Hogwarts. It's creepy. Creepier than that vile prick McLaggen."

"Don't worry, he thinks he kissed me." I said. Ginny frowned at my words.

"He thinks he kissed you..." she began.

"Oh he did sonny. But he doesn't know that I didn't feel it. "I said. "Look." Saying those words, I took hold of a layer of skin protection peel, and peeled it. Ginny cringed her face, as she then saw my skin and the peel in my hand. Her eyes widened as she saw it. "Muggle contraption. Used by female spies. Helps against perverts and male jackasses. Being a dream girl of the male population, I have to be careful Gin, I need to be prepared and vigilant." She smiled.

"So what are you gonna do." She said. She frowned as soon as she saw me smirking. "Oh Merlin! You're planning something. What is in your mind Tigger?"

"Mortev loves kissing doesn't he?" I said. "Well his wish is my command." I said.
That late night around two I took the invisibility cloak of Harry as a precautionary measure. I used the disillusionment charm and made myself invisible and took Peeves and Helena's help as I walked in my . I entered the common room, and spread the posters in all the girls's dormitories. Fred and George were doing in the Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw houses, while Ginny was doing it in the Gryffindor dorms. I sneaked back to the common room and gave back the cloak to Harry. Let the prank commence...

The next morning we were all having breakfast. Then Mortev arrived, his uniform in scratches, torn and tattered, as he ran, panting to take a breath of his life. His eyes widened as he saw a heard of girls run after him.

"Enjoy kissing the girls Mortev" I muttered as we all laughed at the scene. Including the Slytherins, and the staff and ghosts of Hogwarts.

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