Why in the name of Merlin?!

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Tom's Point of View

It was now a few days after Halloween and I was wondering around aimlessly while reading a book on dark magic, it was a new one I hadn't seen before so when I saw it in the library I got curious and had to read it. Today I didn't have to wear my uniform because it was a weekend so I was just walking around in a simple white shirt with a grey jumper over it and black trousers – nothing special.

I continued to walk around, but came to a sudden halt when I heard a bundle of taking, whispering and shouting. Looking around I saw it was coming from the moving stairs which led to the Gryffindor and Ravenclaw common rooms. I raised an eyebrow confused about the commotion, I wondered over jumping quickly onto the moving stairs pushing my way through the crowd until I got to Potter and his friends. "Potter. What's going on?" I asked him then Ginny Weasley ran over "the fat lady she's gone" And that when it all exploded.

Dumbledore arrived and examined the portrait, I pushed forward and saw large claw marks which had scratched down the portrait ripping the vintage paper which once was enchanted holding the fat lady. After the squid pointed out the old woman hiding in another portrait behind a hippo, who honestly I thought was the same size as her. The students pushed and shoved darting over to the portrait curiously, all eager to see her. I groaned as I was pushed and shoved by students. This is no way to treat a dark lord who could destroy them, but they didn't know that, to them I was just some random student.... For now. The fat lady's shrieks and cries rang through the school "it's was him headmaster. His soul as dark as his name. The one they all take about. He's here in the castle. Sirius Black". My eyes widened slightly, he escaped from Azkaban.

After everyone was calmed down Dumbledore instructed that teachers and prefects take the students back to their dorms to gather a bag since he wanted all of us to stay in the hall where he knew we'd be safe and protected since the teachers would probably cover all entrances and exits. After each student was filled in and set up most quickly went to sleep, except from a rare few – one including me.

I laid there in my green sleeping bag staring up at the enchanted ceiling of moving clouds, sparks of stars and a softly glowing crescent moon. I sighed thinking about what I was gonna do about Potter, so far I've had no luck with him at all, I've been distracted. I was foolish to allow myself to get distracted by a mere girl. I then heard whispering and looked over seeing Belladonna who was laying between two male Slytherins who I've seen interacting with Draco before. I don't know why but I felt like odd feeling bubbly up in my stomach, what is it? I looked away from her waiting until the feeling went away before falling asleep.

Belladonna's P.O.V.:-

I got up the next morning wore my and took my black leather mini shorts for my duelling class. I had some kippers and pumpkin juice for breakfast, and then skipped to the classes along with Susan Bones, Hannah Abbott, Ernie MacMillan and Anthony Goldstein. The Slytherin friends in my year were in divination, we were having it with the fourth year Slytherins, none of whom were in the Slytherin Quidditch team, so none of them were my friends. Well, let's groove baby!!!!!!!

We came to class as Professor Shafiq began to partner us up. And to my luck I was partner up with Vincolus Dolohov. The son of the death eater Antonin Dolohov. Just fucking great! That prick is always using girls for his sexual pleasure.

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