Returning to a Familiar Place

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Tom's Point Of View

As I stepped through the brick wall following after the young Malfoy child, I remembered when I was 11 doing this for the first time. I was not one for sentimental moments so I shrugged off the old memories and appeared at the other side. As I looked around I saw the familiar red train and the familiar sounds of the child and parents saying goodbye, owls hooting and squawking while rats nibbled on the metal bars of their small cages. I couldn't help, but smirked at the thought of having Potter caged up like a rat - vulnerable, weak and trapped. I handed my trunks to the squid at the train, it was obvious that he was a squid, no self-respecting wizard would have a stupid job like this.

I turned and saw Potter with his pathetic little friends arriving too, along with my servant in the hands of a short plump old woman. Our eyes connected and even as a rat he gave me a respectful nod. I watched as Potter and his friends boarded the train soon following behind them watching his every move and listening to him carefully. What really intrigued me was a pair of twins, but one had darker hair and darker eyes compared to the other, like ying and yang, the light and dark. I looked the girl up and down before smirking, she would be good to use as a new pet. I wondered what her name and blood status is. At that moment I saw Malfoy shove past the twins "Move it Mudbloods" His voice hissed at them. They are Muggle-borns. I wrinkled my nose in disgust and walked off finding no interest in her now, if she was pureblood then I would of pursued her and gain her trust bringing her onto my side, but she is dirty blooded and not someone I want on my side.

Wondering off I found a compartment in the back and sat there staring out of the window groaning at all the happy parents waving to their children blowing pointless kisses to them - pathetic bunch. Anytime someone would try and join me in the compartment and I just stared at them, my coal black eyes staring intensely at them until they scurried away. Kicking my feet up I relaxed into the rough cushioned seats of the train watching as the train began to move.

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