Chapter 1 Once In A Lifetime

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My name is Rick Johnson. I'm just your regular gamer. I like playing video games. I'm what you call old school,but I also like the new kinds of games too. I would just be in my room playing Ben 10 or even Codename Kids Next Door. I didn't even know they had that show for a video game. Most people say I just live in a fantasy. They're right. If I do it's a hell of a lot better than the world we live in. I've played Grand Theft Auto 5 and it's a hell of a lot better there than our world. I live with my dad and my brother. My family lives in other parts of the United States. My mother is with her new husband and my brother in Pennsylvania. I live in New Jersey with my father. My brother Chase comes to visit from time to time. He lives with his mother Cheri. My grandmother,aunt,uncle and cousin live in New York and I love to visit them. Other days when I'm not playing games it would just be schoolwork and being picked on by the jocks. Some days I wish I could just beat them up.

Rick is playing Ben 10 Protector Of Earth and he's at the end of the game. He already defeated vilgax and won the game for the 30th time.

Rick: Yes!

In these worlds,I win. I may not win in the real world,but in here I win and I always will. But the one thing I wanted more than anything,was to have a girlfriend. Someone who loves me for me and someone who I can hug and kiss and always be with for the rest of my life. But,the more I see it,the more I realize that I'm going to spend the rest of my life alone. At least I've got my games to keep me company.

Rick continues playing his video games and looks for the next game to play.

(On A Farm Somewhere In Jersey)

A blonde haired girl with blue eyes wakes up to a brand new day. She gets out of bed and puts on her overalls. She gets ready to start some work on the farm before going to school. She heads downstairs and starts working around the farm. She's getting the eggs out from underneath the chickens and milks the cows and plants the crops. She then grabs her stuff and heads off to school but not before changing out of her overalls and puts on jeans and cowboy boots. She heads to the bus and her family waved goodbye to her for the day.

Rick is grabbing his stuff and is getting ready for school. He grabs a banana and heads out to the bus.

Rick gets to the bus and they head to school for the day.

Rick is staring at Maggie on the bus.

There she is. Maggie Chase. The most beautiful girl I've ever known. I just wish I had the guts to ask her out. But what would she see in someone like me? I'm just a nerdy gamer.

Rick and Maggie get off the bus and Hank grabs Rick's backpack from him.

Hank: Look at what we got here. A nerd with a backpack.

Rick: Give it back!

Hank: Or what?

Maggie: Hey! Give it back to him or I'm gonna put a hurtin on you.

Hank: Why don't you step back farm girl before I bust you up.

Maggie grabs Hank's arm and bends it backwards. She then smacks Hank in the face and knocks him to the ground. She hands Rick his backpack.

Maggie: Here you go,sug.

Rick holds his backpack and stands there in shock. Maggie walks away from Rick and the now injured Hank.

Hank: Yeah,run. You're dead when this day is over,Johnson. I don't give a shit what you or your little girlfriend do. I'm gonna beat you both into the ground.

Hank walks away in pain and Rick stands there in sadness.

Rick: Great.

Rick heads to class after.

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