Chapter 9 Kevin 11

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Maggie, Hank, Marie, Wendy, and Max head to the next level without Rick.

Maggie: Wait. What about Rick?

Kevin 11: You want him? Come and get him.

Rick: Maggie, don't fall for it. It's a trap!

Kevin 11 flies away with Rick.

Maggie: Come on!

Hank: Are you crazy?! Didn't you hear Rick? This is clearly a trap!

Maggie: I can't just do nothing while Rick is being held hostage by that freak.

Maggie, Hank, Marie, Wendy, and Max head out to save Rick from Kevin 11.

They travel through the entire forest and take out drones and robots that are in their way.

The gamers are watching the entire thing on their live streams.

Gamer: Come on! Come on!

Female Gamer: Take them out! For Rick!

The parents and Chase are all watching the game at the Johnsons' house.

Janice: This can't be possible. Those can't be our kids.

Chase: The video game CEO.

Danny: What?

Chase: The video game CEO.

Danny: That's right. The guy who asked them to be a part of their video game. He never said anything about this. We've got some words to say to that CEO.

(Back in the Game)

Maggie, Hank, Marie, Wendy, and Max head into the forest and see Rick stuck to a tree with Stinkfly goo.

Rick: Maggie!

Maggie: Rick!

Rick: Get out of here before he—

Rick gets shot in the mouth with Stinkfly goo.


Kevin 11 drops down from the trees, causing the impact of the drop to make the ground shake and everyone to hit the ground.

All: Whoa!

Kevin 11: Uh-oh. I got your little boyfriend. Now what are you gonna do?

Maggie gets back up from the ground and stares straight at Kevin.

Maggie: We're going to beat you into the ground.

Kevin makes a face and growls at Maggie.

Hank and everyone else get back up and stand right by Maggie.

Hank: I don't want to do this, but I will anyway.

Wendy: You messed with the wrong girl!

Marie: If she's in, then so am I!

Max: Nobody messes with my boy!

As Kevin shouts, he leaps towards Maggie and the gang.

They see Kevin leaping towards them. They scatter as Kevin smashes the ground. Kevin then waves his left arm and tosses Diamondhead crystals at them. Maggie gets scratched on the cheek. Hank and Marie tackle Kevin and hold onto him, but Kevin swings them off and smacks them into trees. Wendy pulls out her sword and cuts Kevin in a few spots.

Kevin 11: Nice blade, but mine's sharper.

Kevin morphs his Diamondhead arm into a blade, and Wendy clashes her sword with Kevin's arm, but Kevin blasts her to pieces with his Heatblast arm.

Marie: WENDY!!!!!

Marie furiously charges at Kevin and kicks him in the face, which makes Kevin yell in anger and grab Marie's leg, tossing her into the air.

(Marie Screaming)

Wendy respawns and grabs Marie after flying through the air. They both hit the ground, but Marie is in Wendy's arms. Marie stands in her arms, blushing as they look at each other. Wendy puts her down, and Maggie tries taking out Kevin. Maggie uses her martial arts skills to beat him up and ends up kicking his face and knocking him to the ground. As Maggie runs off to free Rick, Kevin flies up from the ground using his wings and spits some goo, throwing fireballs at them at the same time. The fire mixed with the goo creates explosions that knock them down.

Kevin 11: You're toast.

Maggie: That's what you think.

Max blasts Kevin from behind with a laser and defeats him.

Max cuts Rick free, and Maggie grabs him. Maggie rips the goo off Rick's mouth.

Rick: Ow!!!! Damn, that hurts!

Kevin starts to get back up, and everyone stares at him.

Kevin 11: You may have beaten me, but it doesn't matter. You're finally going to pay. You and everyone else on this stupid planet!

Hank walks up to Kevin to finish him off.

Hank: Yeah? Well—

Rick grabs his arm and pulls him away.

Rick: Don't worry about him.

A null void portal opens up behind Kevin.

Kevin 11: No, wait! Don't let them take me back! Save me! (Screams)

Kevin is sucked into the portal.

Rick: I know this game all too well.

The players disappear and head to the next level.

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