Chapter 17 New Players In The Game

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Rick and the group head to the next level back at Mount Rushmore. Werewolves, mummies, and Viktors surround them. They get ready to take on a massive army. The gaming console shuts down their Omnitrixes.

Rick: What's going on?

Max: Mine's not working. Just when I got it.

Rick: Guess we're doing this the old-fashioned way. Everyone, check your strengths and get ready to use them. We're about to raise some hell.

Rick uses his strengths to take out the werewolves. Maggie helps Rick take them out. Rick uses his skills against the werewolves and manages to put them in sleep holds. He then pulls out his flamethrower and burns the rest. Maggie uses her martial arts to take out the other werewolves. She then pulls out a Browning Automatic Rifle Safari from her arsenal and kills each werewolf with it.

Rick: Nice shot.

Maggie: My daddy taught me a few months ago.

Hank attacks the mummies, but they wrap him up with their bandages. Hank manages to break free from them and furiously yells at them. He attacks and beats the crap out of them.

Hank: Good thing I still got my fists.

Marie pulls out a machete from her arsenal and cuts the mummies to pieces. She quickly changes her machete to a Remington 700 VLS and starts shooting at them, but the bullets go through the mummies.

Marie: Shit.

She looks through the scope and aims for their heads. She takes them out each with a headshot.

Wendy pulls out her sword and shreds the mummies to pieces. A bunch of Viktors create an electrical field and blast them all to the ground. As Rick and his friends are at the very bottom of their health bars, they realize that this might be the end. Everyone is watching around the world as Rick and the others are dying. People in Tokyo are watching on the big screens around the city, and live streamers are watching them just lie there weak on the ground.

Male Gamer: Come on, get up!

Female Gamer: Please get up.

Chad: It's showtime.

The gaming system creates Bobby and Chase's characters in the game and uploads them into the level.

Chad: This is going to be fun.

Rick: Maggie, I like you. More importantly, I love you. I've always have. I'm sorry it took me so long to tell you. Plus...I hate the way I'm telling you right now.

Maggie: I've had boys ask me out in worse ways. This isn't entirely bad compared to the others. But, yeah. This sucks.

Rick chuckles with his last dying breath and he slowly moves his hand towards Maggie's. They hold hands together. Just when they're about to meet their end, Rick looks through his arsenal one last time and sees he has extra health. He gives his extra health to the whole team and they get back up.

Rick: That's better. Let's finish this.

The whole team charges at the Viktors and tries to take them out. The Viktors each try to crush them, but the team dodges their attacks. Wendy picks up her sword and cuts off each of their heads, killing them. The heads roll away and the bodies hit the ground. The team is left standing together after that.

Hank: Is this over?

Rick: It should be.

Marie: Then why isn't it?

They see two giant figures walk out from the shadows. The first one on the left is Bobby, but he is a giant half-cyborg freak with a muscular right arm and two human legs. The one on the right is Chase, but he's a mutated werewolf drooling on the ground.

Rick: Oh boy.

They both attack them. Rick, Maggie, and Wendy take on Bobby while Hank, Marie, and Max take on Chase. Rick uses his entire skill set to take out Bobby, but he is too strong for Rick. He grabs Rick and pounds him into every column in the level.

Rick: Don't...make this....harder than it has to be!

He slams Rick into the floor, but Rick quickly grabs his flamethrower and starts burning his face. Bobby's face starts to glitch, showing Rick that it's his father behind the simulation.

Rick: Dad?

Bobby continues smashing Rick into everything, and Wendy stabs Bobby with her sword.

Rick: No, stop!

Meanwhile, Hank beats up Chase, but Chase beats the crap out of Hank. Marie tries to use her skills to beat up Chase, but she is smashed into Hank. Max starts shooting a laser gun at Chase, and it starts to destroy him, causing him to glitch and show his face.

Max: Chase?

Chase smacks Max across the place.

Rick: Stop! Stop!

Wendy: What for?

Rick: It's my father!

Maggie: What?

Max: That's your dad? 'Cause that's your brother over there!

Rick: Chase?

Chase and Bobby attack everyone. They dodge their attacks, but Rick tries to come up with another way to take them out.

Rick: Stop! We can't hurt them!

Hank: Then how the hell are we supposed to beat them?

Rick: I think I got an idea. Wendy, hand me your sword!

Wendy tosses Rick her sword and he charges at them with a mighty yell. Rick jumps and stabs one of them with his sword. He knocks them down. Hank locks both of his hands together and Maggie jumps into his hands, and he gives her a leap. Maggie kicks the other one in the face, knocking him out.

They are both defeated, but as soon as they are, they start to glitch and their code changes. They then disappear and the group goes to the next level.

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