Chapter 3 Level 1

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Hank: Well, that was a total bull of nothing?

Rick: Do you even hear what you say?

Hank: Look,Johnson. I'm gonna-

Maggie: Stop it! We're not going to get anywhere like this.

Hank steps away from Maggie.

They see the other video game characters coming in.

Rick: Well,this is going to be fun.

Hank: What now,master gamer?

Rick: Easy. We play the game.

Maggie: How am I supposed to?

Maggie pulls out her guns and looks at them.

Maggie: Okay.

She puts them back in her holsters and looks for something better. She then pulled out from the back of her pants a Mossberg 590 "Compact Cruiser".

Maggie: Sweet.

Rick gets his Omnitrix ready. Wendy pulls out her hatchet and hammer. Marie pulls out a knife she found in her boot.

Marie: Cool.

Max pulls out a wrench from his tool belt.

Max: Are you kidding me?

Hank cracks his knuckles and gets ready for the fight.

Vilgax's drones appear in front of them and they start attacking them. Rick transforms into Four Arms and smashes them all to pieces.

Rick/Four Arms: This is awesome.

Maggie shoots the drones and blows them to pieces. She then takes out the guns from her holsters and shoots at the rest.. Hank tackles one and grabs it by it's claws. He then rips it in half.

Hank; Hell,yeah!

Marie destroys them with her weapons.

Marie: Woah!

Wendy stabs one of the drones but it's still moving.

Wendy: Okay. That's weird.

Max:What the hell am I suppose to do with this?

Max smacks a drone with his wrench but it barely puts a dent in it.

Max: Oh,come on!

Rick saves Max in his Four Arms form.

Rick/Four Arms: Need a hand or four?

Max: Not funny.

The six of them smash through the drones and destroy them all until they see a giant green arrow telling them to go. They head off into the direction it's pointing and they head out into the deeper parts of the Grand Canyon.

Hank: I don't understand this game. Drones are flying all over the place trying to kill us and we're traveling around the Grand Canyon?

Rick/Four Arms: It's the first level of the game, this is how it's supposed to go.

Rick and the others continue traveling through the Grand Canyon and they end up dealing with more drones along the way. Maggie shoots them with her pistols until she runs out of ammo. Maggie then pulls from her back pockets a Colt M1911A1 and a SIG-Sauer P228. She dual-wields them in her hands and starts putting holes in the drones. Wendy and Marie start destroying the drones with their melee weapons together. A drone was about to attack Marie from behind until Wendy smashes it to pieces before it could even touch Marie.

Wendy: (Strokes the side of her hair back) Lucky I caught it for you.

Marie stands there blushing at how awesome Wendy was even in her video game form.

The Ultimate Game Level 1 Where stories live. Discover now