Chapter 15 Live To See Another Day Or Die In A Video Game

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Rick and the others are in Chicago.

Hank: Please tell me this game is over.

Rick: Almost. This is a level made to look like Chicago. Which means we're getting closer.

Rick heads off to look around. Wendy holds Marie's hand to make sure she is safe.

Wendy: I don't like this.

Hank: Why? You scared?

Wendy: Yeah, I am. Because that's what makes me human at least.

Marie: It's quiet around here.

Wendy: Yeah, too quiet.

(Loud crash)

Marie: What was that?!

Rick/Four Arms: Booyah! Ha! Somebody call for a handyman?

Wendy and Marie look at Four Arms with scared looks on their faces.

Rick/Four Arms: What? Did I scare you?

Wendy: No, dude, look.

Everyone else turns around and sees werewolves, mummies, and Viktors coming out of purple portals. They growl, snarl, and hiss at them. One werewolf ends up roaring at the full moon.

Rick/Four Arms: Oh, shit.

The werewolves, mummies, and Viktors attack Rick and his group. Suddenly, Max and Wendy get their own Omnitrixes.

Max: Oh, yeah! That's what I'm talking about.

Wendy: You thinking what I'm thinking?

Max: Oh, you know it.

Max turns the dial on his omintrix and transforms into Upgrade.

Max/Upgrade: That....was very painful. Alright,let's see what this thing can do.

Upgrade shoots lasers from his eye,killing a few.

Max/Upgrade: Okay,that's pretty awesome.

Wendy: Sweet! Let's see what I can do.

Wendy transforms into Stinkfly.

Wendy/Stinkfly: Whoah! This is pretty cool.

Stinkfly flies into the air and ends up shooting goo at them,stinking their claws and feet to the ground.

Wendy/Stinkfly:Ugh! That's disgusting!

Four Arms looks at Maggie,Hank and Marie and they transform into their aliens as well to help max Wendy against the monsters.

Maggie transformed into XLR8,Hank transformed into DiamondHead and Marie transformed into Cannonbolt. Four Arms charged in and pounds an army of mummies and werewolves into the air. Our six alien heroes charge through the monsters and make it out of the city but arrived on a moving train. Our six aliens are on the roof surrounded by more of those monsters. They were able to fight them off to the last second and completed the next level.

(Back At AwesomeGames)

Chad and the gaming console looked at their progress,and Chad furiously throws his coffee mug at the elevator.

Chad: Argh! That's it. They want to win the game and go home,even when I made them into stars. They are going to be in that game forever if it's the last thing we do. It's time for them to rejoin their families.

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