Chapter 2 Ben 10 Protector Of Earth

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Chad brings Rick and the others to the gaming system.

Chad: Welcome to The Ultimate Game! Here's how it works. We are going to hook you six into our video game system and you are going to experience the game of a lifetime.

Rick: Can I ask a question? Are we being split up into teams?

Chad: Ha! No. You six are all working together. It's a chance for you all to work together and learn everything there is to know about each other. Plus,I'm paying all of you to do this. So don't screw this up for me.

Everyone looks at each other.

Chad: This experience might teach you about trust,respect and even friendship. The people right in front of you could be your teammates,your enemies or maybe even your friends.

Rick looks at Hank and he leans his face into Rick's with a glare.

Chad: Now let's get you guys set up here.

Chad's staff start hooking Rick and the others into the gaming chairs. The virtual reality headsets start coming down and the staff hooks them to the kids heads.

Maggie: Uh, is this safe?

Chad: Of course it is. Trust me on this.

The ocular were hooked onto the kids' eyes and the staff get the gaming system ready.

Chad: Relax and enjoy the experience. You're going to love this.

Chaz: We're going live,boss.

Chad: Get ready to become stars.

The staff start up the gaming system and unknown to everyone except Chad, the gaming system does the rest for them. The system sets itself up and the headsets turn on. The kids start to feel a powerful energy surge flowing through their headsets and into their bodies. They start to feel an incredible pain from it as the system starts to complete the simulation.

(Kids Screaming)

Chaz: Woah,woah,woah,we gotta shut it down.

Chad: No! Don't touch it!

Chaz: If we don't do something now-

Chad: Don't touch it!!!! It's working exactly as planned.

The system finished it's process and the kids stopped screaming. The system sends out a broadcast to half of the gaming systems in the world that bought the game online.

A blank white space happens and the kids are digitally placed into the computer world. Rick and the others see themselves as just themselves until the computer alters their bodies into the computer world.

(Level 1!)

Everyone is altered into something special based on their specialities. Rick wore a leather jacket and sees he has an Omnitrix on his wrist.

Rick: Okay. This is cool.

Maggie is being scanned and ends up being a biker chick with a leather jacket and sunglasses and a couple of guns in their holsters.

Maggie: What in the name of Sam Hill is this?

Hank was scanned and just looked the same. He was still a jock.

Hank: Nothing's really changed with me.

Rick: That's a good thing.

Hank growls at Rick.

Marie is scanned and becomes a super hot badass in a tank top,shorts and leather combat boots.

Marie: Huh. Not bad.

Wendy was scanned and becomes a rock star chick in a rockstar outfit wearing make up and has a hatchet in one holster and a hammer in the other.

Wendy: Awesome!

Marie just stands there with her entire face flushed.

Max was the last one to be scanned and turns into a gangster with a backwards hat and a tool belt.

Max: What the-

Chad: Welcome to Level 1!

A giant projected image of Chad appears in the virtual sky.

Chad:This is based off the best old game of 2007!

The first level scans the entire world and shows them in the Grand Canyon.

Hank: Arizona?

Maggie: I think we're in the Grand Canyon.

Chad: 10 points for the badass gun girl! Correct! Welcome to the Grand Canyon! Here's how the game works! You play the game,make it all the way to the end and become big famous winners! Your faces will be shown all over the entire planet Earth! But,talk is cheap. It's time for the world to witness The Ultimate Game! It's a free for all online game so anyone can join. Let's get this party started!

Chad's virtual image disappears and the game begins.

Hank: Ben 10? That show sucked.

Rick: Luckily I know every inch of this game.

Hank: Of course you would,nerd.

Rick: This nerd just happens to be the best gamer of this game. So trust me,you're going to need me.

Hank: Like a raccoon needs rabies.

Maggie: Shut up! So,Rick,what do we do here?

Rick: Since this is level 1, there's only one way this begins. It should be happening

A cutscene begins.

Hank: What's happening?

Rick: Relax. It's just a cutscene. That means the game is starting.

Hank: I know how a game starts,you dick!

Ben is sleeping inside of the rustbucket and a small drone mosquito absorbs the energy from the Omnitrix.

Ben: Wha..... Uh.....I don't know.

(The Next Morning)

A meteor crashed and wakes Ben right out of bed.

Ben: Huh?

Grandpa Max: Good. You're awake. Something's crash landed over there in the canyon.

Gwen is researching on her computer.

Gwen: I'm going to hack into the ranger station cameras. Maybe we can get a closer look

Ben: Don't bother,leave this to a professional. I'll just XLR8 over there and check it out myself. It's hero time!


Ben: Uh... Go mighty Omnitrix power?

Ben continues slapping the watch but it doesn't work.

Grandpa Max: So,Gwen,what do you have from those ranger station cameras?

The cutscene was over and we see Rick and the others together.

The Ultimate Game Level 1 Where stories live. Discover now