Chapter 7 I'm Sick Of This Game

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Rick,Maggie,Hank,Wendy and Max all appear in Level 5. Marie fell to the ground back in her human form.

Hank: Great. Now where are we?

Rick: Level 5,get ready. Things are about to go to hell now.

Drones,Vilgax Hunters and Forever Knights all surround Rick and the gang.

Rick: Here we go.

Rick and his friends look at their omintrixes and get ready to transform into their aliens. Wendy pulls out a sword from her scabbard.

Wendy: Woah! This is new.

Max pulls out a pair of guns and looks at them.

Max: Oh,yeah. That's what I'm talking about.

Max starts shooting his guns at the drones and destroys them. Wendy slices the Vilgax Hunters in half with her sword. Rick transforms into Four Arms. Maggie transforms into Grey Matter and jumps into one of the Vilgax Hunters where she reprograms it's circuitry and turns it against the drones and other robots. Hank transforms into Diamondhead and Marie transforms into Cannonbolt.

Marie/Cannonbolt: Again? Screw it.

Cannonbolt rolls all over the place and manages to knock out the knights and destroy the other robots and drones.

Hank and Rick destroy more robots and drones in their forms. Max and Wendy continue taking out the rest until the six of them join together to defeat them all. Soon after, not one drone or knight was left standing.

The omintrixes times out and everyone was back to normal.

Wendy looks at her sword.

Wendy: I hope I get to keep this when this is over.

Max looks at his new guns.

Max: I wonder how we ended up getting these weapons.

Rick starts to think and presses his chest. They all see that Rick has a list of strengths and weaknesses in the game.

Rick: That's what I figured.

Rick points to the top of his bar and sees he's at level 4.

Rick: We all have a skill rating and a list of strengths and weaknesses.

Hank: Ha! Your only at level 4. That must be suckish in this game.

Maggie: Strengths. Omnitrix,Four Arms,Heatblast,intelligence,agility,flamethrower?

Rick: Flamethrower?

Hank: Damn that's a good list.

Rick: Weakness. Power Crystals. Power Crystals? What the hell are those.

Max: Maybe their like your own kryptonite.

Rick: Could be.

Maggie: How did you get yours to do that?

Rick: I just pressed my chest like this.

His list disappears.

Hank: It's right here on the boob. Let me show you.

Maggie slaps Hank's hand away from her boob.

Maggie: Get the hell away from me.

Maggie taps her boob and her list pops up.

Maggie: Level 8. Huh. That's not too bad. Grey Matter,XLR8,Master Weaponry,martial artist? I didn't even know I could do that. Weakness: big buff muscular guys. What?

Rick: Don't look at me, I didn't come up with the game.

Hank presses his chest and sees he only has two strengths and a ton of weaknesses.

Hank: You've got to be kidding me. I'm only at Level 5. Strengths. Strength and fist fighting. Along with Diamondhead and RipJaws. What are those?

Rick: The names of your aliens.

Hank: And for weaknesses: speed,intelligence,endurance,sweets and cold. Why the hell does my character suck so much?!

Marie and Wendy check their bars.

Marie looks at hers and sees she's got a few good ones too.

Marie:Master Hacker,melee fighter,Cannonbolt and weaponist,food grenades? Is that even a thing? Weakness. Getting dirty? Oh come on. Plus, I'm only at Level 7!

Max: I should've gotten the master hacker thing.

Wendy: Master Sword Fighter and shield crafter. Shield crafter? Weakness. Bigger, badder opponents. Boo! Bears and Bobcats. Bears and Bobcats? Are those in here?

Rick: Oh,no.

Wendy: Level rating is at number 6. Great.

Max: Alright,let's get this over with.

Max taps his and sees he only has one strength and has many weaknesses.

Max: I hate this game. I hate it. All I'm good at is building stuff. As it says Master Builder right here. Under weaknesses, I've got mud pits,venom,girly stuff,heat,sun,sand and of course my personal favorite, fire. Everyone hates Fire. It's fucking fire! Heat,sun and sand which makes sense since we were just in the desert. Not only that I'm only at Level fucking 3. Let's just get through this game and get it over with.

They head straight to level 6.

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