Chapter 8 San Francisco

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The gang is at level 6 in San Francisco.

Hank: Oh, crap. We're in New York City!

Maggie: No. We're in San Francisco.

Hank: Isn't that in New York City?

Everyone looks annoyed at Hank's stupidity.

Hank: What?

A null void portal opens up, and Kevin 11 jumps out of it.

Kevin 11: Miss me, Tennyson? It's payback time.

Kevin runs off.

Hank: What the hell is that thing?

Rick: That's the next boss for us to take down. Kevin 11. Ben 10's archenemy when he was a child. As they say in the game, it's time to welcome him home.

Everyone goes after him until Max notices something jumping out of the portal and sees a little slug squirming on the ground. Max is a little weirded out by the slug and just heads off with Rick and the others.

Rick and the others follow Kevin's trail.

Max: Hey, guys. I need to talk to you about something.

Rick: Not now, Max. Kevin went this way. Come on!

Rick and the gang continue following Kevin's trail.

(Back in the Real World)

Bobby and Chase are watching the game on their TV.

Chase: Where's Rick?

Bobby: I've been trying to call him all day, but he hasn't answered.

Chase: Maybe he's with Max.

Bobby: I hope so.

The doorbell rings. Chase walks over to the door to answer it. When Chase opens up the door, he sees it's Max's parents.

Chase: Uh, Dad. We've got a problem.

Bobby walks over to the door and sees Max's parents.

Janice: Have you seen Max?

Danny: We figured he'd be here with your boy.

Bobby: We thought Rick was with you.

Janice: (Worried) No!

The parents and Chase start getting worried about what happened to their children.

(Back in the Game)

Rick and the others continue following Kevin's trail and get surrounded by drones and Vilgax Hunters.

Hank: I really hate these guys.

Rick: Take them out!

Wendy pulls out her sword, and Max pulls out his guns. Max and Wendy end up destroying the robots while Rick transforms into Four Arms and smashes the drones to pieces. Hank turns into Diamondhead and shoots crystals at the robots, killing them. Maggie turns into XLR8 and takes them out in two seconds. Marie transforms into Cannonbolt.

Marie: Oh, come on!

She falls to the ground after saying that, and everyone else continues destroying the robots.

Marie/Cannonbolt: Let's bounce.

Cannonbolt rolls towards the rest of the robots and destroys them all.

Rick/Four Arms: Nice save. I knew you were the right choice for that alien.

Marie/Cannonbolt: Thanks, I guess. Does this body make me look fat?

Everyone looks at her. The green arrow that says "Go" appears in front of them.

Rick/Four Arms: Let's just keep going.

Max: Yeah, I'm with you.

They head down the road and end up at the bridge. They see a ramp pop up out of the ground.

Rick/Four Arms: Looks like this is your department.

Marie/Cannonbolt: Me?

Rick/Four Arms: Ladies first.

Cannonbolt gulps and rolls up into her ball form. She slowly rolls all the way to the ramp but backs out.

Marie/Cannonbolt: No way I'm doing that! I'm not going to jump over that bridge. What if I die?

Rick/Four Arms: Marie, it's just your video game character. It's not like you can die in here for real. Just roll down the ramp, and we should be good.

Cannonbolt looks at the ramp and slowly takes a deep breath.

Marie/Cannonbolt: Okay.

She rolls up into her ball form again and rolls straight towards the ramp. She flies to the other side of the bridge and hits a button, lowering the bridge for the rest to make it towards the end of the level.

The six of them make it to the end of the bridge but see they are surrounded by drones and Vilgax Hunters again.

Hank/Diamondhead: How many times are we going to fight these rust buckets?

Rick/Four Arms: Not much after this level.

They destroy all the robots, but a bunch of Vilgax Mercenaries come out to kill them.

Maggie/XLR8: What the hell are those things?

Rick/Four Arms: The last thing we need to fight in this level. Come on! Let's kick some ass!

Wendy takes out three and slices one's head off with her sword. Max kills a bunch with his guns while the aliens take out the rest. Soon after, all the mercenaries are defeated.

Rick/Four Arms: Yeah! We kicked so much ass!

Kevin 11 jumps out of nowhere, and Rick and the gang all see him, terrified of his hideous look.

Marie/Cannonbolt: Who invited the freak?

Rick/Four Arms: That's Kevin.

Kevin 11: You got that right. (Cracks knuckles) I'm going to enjoy this.

Kevin charges at them and knocks down Rick and everyone else.

Kevin 11: That was just a warm-up. I'm about to show you what I can really do.

Kevin grabs Four Arms, but Four Arms breaks free and beats him up. Kevin then uses his Wildmutt arms to beat Four Arms up, then uses all four of his arms to beat Four Arms into the ground.


Rick turns back to normal, and his health bar is incredibly low.

Kevin picks Rick up.

Kevin 11: You'll never beat me.

Maggie/XLR8: Maybe not him. But we will.

XLR8 bashes into Kevin, beating him up in every direction, while Diamondhead shoots his crystals at him. The crystals break off of Kevin's body. Cannonbolt then rolls at him and knocks him down. As Rick is flying through the air, XLR8 is able to catch him. As Rick looks at her, her visor comes up, and he gazes into her eyes.

Maggie/XLR8: You okay?

Rick: (Blushing) Uh-huh.

Kevin uses his speed to knock her down and grabs Rick.

Kevin 11: Looks like I'm outmatched. Not for long.

Kevin uses his Stinkfly wings to fly off with Rick.

(Rick Screaming)

Maggie/XLR8: Rick!

The Omnitrixes on Maggie, Hank, and Marie time out and turn them back to normal. They all watch as Kevin flies off with Rick. The parents who are watching the TV broadcast hear Maggie say Rick, and Chase and his dad look at each other.

Robert: Rick?

Chase: You don't think?

Both: Oh, my God.

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