Chapter 13 Afraid Of Monsters

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Rick and the rest head to the next level and see they are in a big, dark, scary forest.

Hank: Oh, great. It just had to be in a big, dark, scary forest. Why can't it be during the daytime like the rest were?

Rick: Not all of them were in the daytime.

Hank: Oh, shut up!

They hear growling and snarling in the trees and see werewolves appear in front of them.

Rick, Maggie, Hank, and Marie all transform into their alien forms once again and start taking out the werewolves. Wendy kills a few of the werewolves with her sword, and Max starts shooting at them with a Colt Python. He shoots two with a headshot, but when he shoots the next one, it's hit in the chest four times and Max's gun is empty.

Max: Damn!

Wendy kills the werewolf for him.

Wendy: You gotta work on your aim.

Wendy walks away to take care of the remaining werewolves.

Max: I shot those two in the head!

Rick and the other transformed players start taking out the rest until there are none left.

Rick/Four Arms: That's all of them.

Hank/Diamondhead: For now.

Maggie/XLR8: How do we beat this level just by fighting werewolves?

Rick/Four Arms: Not quite. Follow me.

The six of them head into the dark forest to later find four giant tombs.

Hank/Diamondhead: What is this?

Rick/Four Arms: The next place we gotta go to. We have to light up all four of these at once, and it'll bring us to the next part of this level.

Hank/Diamondhead: And how do we do that?

Rick/Four Arms: Maggie.

Maggie uses her speed to light up all the tombs at once, and a cloud of red smoke teleports them down into the caves.

Hank/Diamondhead: Oh, great! We're in hell! I didn't know it was real!

Rick/Four Arms: Relax! It's not hell. It's just an underground cave. The rest of the mission is this way.

The six of them head toward the cave until they are ambushed by mummies. They are being held down by the mummies' bandages.

Wendy cuts their bandages up with her sword and cuts a few in half.

Max pulls out a laser gun and shoots them, turning them to dust.

Everyone's Omnitrixes time out.

Hank: Werewolves, mummies, what's next?

Rick: That part you're about to see for yourself.

The six of them make it to the end of the cave and see the fire pit inside. Someone appears from a cloud of red smoke, and it's Hex.

Hex: When this portal opens, it will turn everything you care about into a living nightmare!

Rick: And this is the boss fight.

He starts using his magic and staff to crush them. He blasts them and takes out their health. He then uses his staff to throw rocks at them. Hank is the only one that gets hit with the rocks.

Hank: Ow! Why is he throwing rocks if he's a magical wizard? I mean, he could just turn into a dragon and be done with us.

Chad and the gaming system were listening to what Hank said.

Chad: Good idea.

The gaming system mutates Hex's code and allows him to transform into a dragon.

Rick: He wasn't able to do that in the game.

Maggie: Way to go, dumbass.

Hank: At least this is more epic.

They fight the Dragon Hex as he breathes fire at them.

Rick and the others transform into Four Arms, Diamondhead, Cannonbolt, and XLR8. They start taking out the dragon while Wendy attacks it with her sword. She then cuts the dragon on its side and stabs it, making the dragon release a painful roar.

Max then pulls out a laser cannon and blasts it into the fire pit, causing the dragon to come back out as a dead Hex.


Ghostfreak pulls himself out of Hex's body and growls at them. He flies out of the cave, and they watch him fly out.

Rick: Ghostfreak. We're getting close. Time to head to Mount Rushmore.

Chad watches as they head to the next level. He furiously yells while clenching his fists in the air.

Chad: Why aren't you doing your job?! You're a computer for god's sake!

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