Chapter 19 Clancy

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(The Next Level)

Rick, Hank, Marie, Wendy, and Max are chasing after Clancy.

Rick: Where's Animo?! Where's Maggie?!

Clancy: (Laughter) Ask someone who cares, insect!

Rick tackles him, but a swarm surrounds everyone and Clancy vanishes. Rick and the others swat the swarm away and see that Clancy is gone.

Rick: No! We have to find out where Clancy is. It's our only hope of finding Maggie.

Hank: We're gonna need a hell of a big swatter.

Max pulls out a tracking device.

Hank: Where the hell did you get that?

Max: I don't know. Must be a new upgrade. I must've leveled up.

The tracker shows a blip leading them to Clancy.

Max: We found our little cockroach.

Max points to where the blip is showing him going, and they chase after him. They get surrounded by SnakeFlies and Bobcats and fight them off with their special skills.

Rick goes all out to get to Clancy to find out where Maggie is. He grabs the SnakeFlies and rips them in half. He then beats the crap out of the Bobcats, but one of them claws his face and hits his neck. Rick screams in pain as he rips the Bobcat off of him and stomps on its head, killing it.

(Bobcat Groans)

Everyone watches in fear as Rick turns into more of a beast than the actual animals.

Rick: Let's go.

They continue following the blip.

Rick: Which way?

Max: Well, it says—

Rick: Which way?!

Max walks up to him, grabs Rick by his shoulders, and looks him in the eyes.

Max: I need you to listen to me. I know you care about Maggie, but if you keep this up, you will die. Then she will never see you again. Do you understand me, brother?

Rick stops and breathes as he looks into Max's eyes.

Max: Okay.

They continue following the blip.

Max: This way. It's leading us down here.

The blip beeps rapidly. They stop by a giant colony.

Hank: What the hell is this?

Max: Rick, hand me your flamethrower.

Rick pulls his flamethrower out of his arsenal and gives it to Max. Max uses Rick's flamethrower to burn the colony to ashes, and they find a hole in the ground.

Max: Here.

They jump down into a tunnel where they see nothing but swarms, hives, and colonies everywhere in sight.

Marie: Okay, this place is disgusting.

Wendy and Marie hold hands to stay close together.

A swarm of bugs appears in front of them, and as they depart, Clancy emerges from them.

Clancy: (Laughter) You're too late! Maggie's gone! And you'll be next!

Rick furiously unleashes a scream as he charges at Clancy. Clancy shoots a swarm of bugs at Rick, knocking him down. As Rick gets back up, Clancy fires a whole bunch of bugs at everyone.

Max: Get down!

Max, Hank, Marie, and Wendy all dodge the bug blasts as Clancy continues shooting them at everyone. Rick manages to punch Clancy in the face, but Clancy's bugs cover his entire body, and he picks Rick up and throws him into the wall.


Clancy beats Rick until his health bar is at the very bottom.

Max burns Clancy alive with the flamethrower he borrowed from Rick. The bugs burn off of Clancy, and his health bar starts draining away. Rick gets up with the little strength he has left and punches Clancy in the face, knocking him out. Everyone else gets up, and they tie Clancy up with some rope they found. They tied him to a barrel.

Rick: Okay, vermin, I'll ask you one last time: Where has Animo taken Maggie?!

Clancy: You're too late. With his new base, the good doctor has all the energy he needs to return this planet to its rightful masters. And quite soon, your friend will be no more than just another mixed-up creature in his mutant menagerie. (Laughing)

As Clancy continues laughing, Rick walks up to him, about to beat him up, but Max stops him.

Max: Take it easy, Rick. We'll save her, I promise.

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