Chapter 4 Level 2

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Rick and the others move on to the next level.

Chad: Welcome to Level 2. Be ready for the fight of your lives.

Rick and the others find out they are in Mesa Verde in Colorado.

Rick: Level 2. The fight against the Forever Knights.

Hank: What?

Rick: If we're going to fight against the forever knights, we're going to have to work together on this one.

Hank: Yeah, 'cause that's been going well so far.

All: Shut up! 

Level 2 Begin!

Level 2 begins and they see the forever knights and drones coming in to attack them.

A whole bunch of different types of knights appear in front of the group. There were regular knights, knights with swords,knights with laser spears and even giant brute forever knights with armor and electric maces.

Hank: Oh,come on!

Rick: We've got the tools to kick their asses. So let's kick some ass.

Rick transforms into Four Arms again and charges straight at them.

Maggie noticed the Omnitrix on her wrist and wonders how to use it.

Maggie: Okay. How do I-

She turns the dial and it shows the symbol of XLR8. She looks confused at the symbol at first but pressed down on it anyway. She starts to transform into XLR8.

She transforms and looks at herself in her new form and starts running around the entire area knocking down Four Arms and everyone else in the game.

Hank: Hey! Watch it!

Maggie/XLR8: Sorry!

Hank and the others get back up. Four Arms grabs some knights and smashes them into the ground. XLR8 rushes through them and knocks half of them down. Hank starts beating them up until he's brought up against the giant gladiator knight with the electric mace.

Hank cracks his knuckles and gets ready to take him on. Marie attacks the gladiator from behind and tried to stab it with her knife but her knife barely penetrates the gladiator's armor and the knife breaks to pieces. The gladiator then grabs her and slams her into the ground causing her to lose some health and Rick/Four Arms looks up at Marie's health bar. Wendy used her weapons to take the gladiator on, but they barely do anything to the gladiator as well and he smacks her far away from him.

Hank: Alright, that's it. It's time to show you what I can really do.

Hank scrapes his foot into the ground like a bull and charges at the gladiator. He starts beating up the gladiator and he actually starts to win,until he smashes Hank with his electric mace and shatters him to pieces.

Everyone sees in shock what happened to Hank.

Max finally had enough and grabbed one of the laser spears from one of the dead knights and starts blasting the gladiator into the ground.

Max: Woah. If only I could find one of these in real life.

The gladiator charges at Max and Max starts running away. Unknown to the six of them, everyone was watching them fight the knights on the screens. People all around the world were watching them on big city screens in Tokyo and on their tv's and computers even while they were live streaming. The kids' own families watched the whole thing from their homes and were wondering what was going on.

Max continues shooting at the gladiator and he charges at Max.


Four Arms punches the gladiator to the ground and XLR8 finishes him off with her speed and the gladiator is finally defeated.

Max: Hey, thanks man...

Rick/Four Arms: Don't mention it.

They look over to the hole where Hank was destroyed and were heartbroken thinking that he's dead. All of a sudden Hank reforms back in his previous spot. Hank looks at himself and sees he's still alive.

Hank: Oh,thank God. I'm alive, I'm alive!

The omintrixes on Rick and Maggie times out and they turn back to normal. They look at Hank and see he's okay. Rick then noticed Hank's health bar as well and sees a 2x right by it.

Wendy: Dude. How are you still alive?

Hank: I have no idea.

Max: How did it feel to die?

Hank: It felt like I was shattered into a million pieces. Now I'm here.

Chad: Well done,children. Now it is time for you to go to level 3. But where is level 3 you ask? Allow me to show you.


Max: Tell me! What's going on here? Who's drones are those?

Knight: We were making haste towards the area known as 51. Lord Enoch holds our campaign there to smite the off-world infestation.

Ben: Enoch is taking over Area 51?

Knight: He seeks only to emancipate it....Lord Enoch will use the technology. Therein to power a weapon of worldwide deliverance.... To stop the Forever Knights is to deprive the earth of it's last. Best hope.

Max: Enoch doesn't offer hope to anyone but himself.

Gwen: We should find him before he makes a bad situation even worse.

(Cutscene Ended)

Chad: You heard Gwen. To Area 51 we go.

The kids disappear and are sent to level 3.

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