Chapter 16 Ghostfreak

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The Chimeran Hammer floating in outer space.

Vilgax:You have done well,my Ectonurian ally...And one good turn deserves another.

Ghostfreak: So much power!

Vilgax: Yes....Now,go use it to claim the omintrix as your own,and finally rid us both of that insufferable brat,Tennyson,once and for all!

Ghostfreak:(Laughter) The fool thinks he is hunting me,but the hunter shall soon become the prey!

Chad and the console send Bobby and Chase into the system to help kill Rick and his group.

Rick and the others transport to the next level after the cutscene was over. They see Ghostfreak appear by them.

Ghostfreak:Argh-HARAGH! Thanks to your omintrix energy,the bodies I inhabit are stronger than ever!

Rick: You're just as much of a monster than you are on tv.

Ghostfreak: Your little watches won't save you now. I am beyond its power....And this time,there is no escape...

Ghostfreak opened up a giant purple portal and they feel the energy coming off of the portal. A werewolf comes out of the portal and Ghostfreak possesses it's body,roaring at them.

Max: I got this one.

Max dual-wields a couple of laser guns and starts shooting them at the possessed werewolf.

The werewolf pounced at Max but he shot it's body and killed it. Ghostfreak emerged from the dead body.

Rick: Pull the curtain!

Max pulls out a little grappling hook and managed to pull the rope,opening up the curtain and allowing the light to shine on Ghostfreak. As Ghostfreak burned in the light,he flew over to the next body to possess,another werewolf.

Wendy pulled out her sword and attacks the werewolf, but the werewolf's claws were capable of defending itself from her sword. Wendy manages to get the upper hand and kill the werewolf with her sword by stabbing it in the chest. Ghostfreak flies out of the werewolf's body and possessed the mummy.

Wendy: Oh no.

The newly possessed mummy uses it's bandages to wrap up Wendy. Wendy struggles to break free,but before she could break free,she was all wrapped up.

Marie: Let her go!

Marie transforms into Wildvine and starts taking out the possessed mummy.

Rick: Marie, the eggs on your back—use them!

Marie looks at her back and picks them off.

Marie/WildVine: Okay,that's just gross....

She throws the bombs at the mummy and they explode,taking out the mummy.

Marie/WildVine:....but totally cool.

Ghostfreak emerges from the mummy's body.

Rick: Pull the curtain!

Marie grabbed onto the rope with her stretchy arm and pulled the curtain open. The light shines on Ghostfreak. As he shrieks in pain,he flies over to the next host. Rick and his group see he has possessed another werewolf body.

Rick: Hank.

Hank: Yeah,yeah,I got this.

Hank transformed into DiamondHead and shoots his crystals at the werewolf. The werewolf dodged the crystals and Maggie turns into XLR8 to take out the werewolf. She uses her speed to take out the mummy and Victor too.

Maggie/XLR8: Piece of cake.

Hank/DiamondHead: I wouldn't be so sure about that.

XLR8 turns around and sees Ghostfreak flying towards the mummy. They see he has now possessed the mummy. The mummy wrapped XLR8 and DiamondHead in it's bandages. DiamondHead cuts free from the bandages and Rick transforms into Heatblast to take them both out. Rick was able to burn the mummy alive,but all that was left was the now possessed Viktor. Viktor used his powers to crush them all until Rick jumped out of the way and burned Viktor to the ground. Ghostfreak emerges and Marie opens the curtain. The final light burned Ghostfreak. He went crazy and crashed into the floor. Underneath was a basement and Ghostfreak used his powers to open up another portal. Rick and the others fell into the basement and saw what Ghostfreak was doing.

Hank/DiamondHead: What do we do now?

Rick/HeatBlast: I know exactly what to do now.

Rick changed back to normal and transforms into Four Arms. He starts pushing the knights with the shields toward the beam of light and placed each of them directly toward the light to reflect the beam off of their shields. The final knight was in placed and it hits Ghostfreak. The portal closed after.

Rick/Four Arms: That got his attention.

GhostFreak floats there and Four Arms just stands on his side,waiting for an attack.

DiamondHead walks by Four Arms's side.

Hank/DiamondHead: You want him,you're gonna have go through me.

Maggie/XLR8: And me.

Marie/WildVine:And me.

Wendy: And me.

Max: And definitely me.

Four Arms sees all of his friends by his side and smiles,realizing that some of them are finally on his side. DiamondHead looks at Four Arms and smiled at him.

Hank/DiamondHead: This man may not be many ways. But he is a hell of a gamer.

Rick/Four Arms:Damn right. Let's go.

Max transforms into WildMutt.

Wendy turned into Stinkfly,and the six of them charge at GhostFreak.

They each kicked Ghostfreak's spectral body and tail until he could barely move. They see the mini game button on top of him and our group turns back to normal. They all walk up to the button.

Rick: You ready?

Hank: Hit it.

They all hit the button together and they each take a turn taking out GhostFreak.

Maggie got the triangle button,Hank got the square button,Marie got the circle button,Wendy got the square button and Max got the triangle button last. Max then pulled out a null void projector and opened up a portal. Rick swings in and kicks GhostFreak into the null void. The portal closed and they finished the boss level. After the portal closes,the final crystal came in front of them and it evaporated into Wendy's watch. Wendy looks into her watch and sees GhostFreak is in her watch now.

Wendy: Looks like I got the Ghost guy. Just hope he's not as ugly as me as he was as himself.

Max: Girl,you couldn't pull off that much ugly. You're already there.

Marie: Hey! Watch what you say about her!

Wendy smiles after Marie backs her up.

They head off to the next level.

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