Level One: Poor and Desperate

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I was sitting in bed at 11 p.m. at night on my phone, looking at my bank account with a -2000 dollar balance. I sighed, going to the App Store to look for those apps where you can watch ads and download apps to eventually get a few dollars. When searching for apps, I just typed in "real life money games," and once I did, I started scrolling as I couldn't see anything that looked very good or that I hadn't already tried.

That's when I spotted an app called The Sissy App. What stood out to me was the bio reading, "Play real-life tasks and games! Win real-life prizes! Level up!"

It stood out to me as it sounded different from most other apps. To me, it seemed like some kind of game where you could do challenges or something of the sort to win real money, and all of it was done through the game on the app!

That's when I decided to do it. I hit the download button and awaited its installation. About a minute later, it was done downloading, and I was ready to launch the app. As I opened it up, I was met with the terms of service, which I didn't read and just accepted. After that, a screen saying "Hello Adam" popped up.

"What the fuck? How does it know my name?" I thought as I just launched the app. Clicking on the screen, it asked for facial recognition so it could assign me a role as either a man or a sissy, whatever that means. I didn't know what mattered for the role, but I see myself as a pretty good-looking 21-year-old male, although I kind of have a baby face.

 I didn't know what mattered for the role, but I see myself as a pretty good-looking 21-year-old male, although I kind of have a baby face

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I clicked allow, and it started to scan my face, which then took a minute to process. "Sissy," it read. After that, I wasn't sure how to feel because I wasn't exactly sure what this game was, so I just clicked to go ahead and get to the next screen.

I then think I actually finally got to the game. Seeing an account balance at zero of something called Sissy Points was the first thing I noticed. I then saw a bar at the bottom with three buttons. The buttons were shopping, games, and daily tasks. Clicking on the shop, I saw that the sissy points could be turned in for real money or an assortment of other prizes in their store. What was different about this, though, is that instead of only making a few dollars on other apps, this one looks like you could win tens of thousands.

Clicking on the daily task, it just read, "Pick a girl name; failure to complete this task results in a punishment." Assuming it just meant any random girl name, I then just thought of a random girl name and typed in Allie.

"Great pick, Allie!" The app said, and then +100 sissy bucks popped up.

Ignoring it calling me Allie, I then decided to go back to the shop, and I saw that just for picking out a random name and completing my task, I could trade my 100 sissy points for 50 dollars!

That's when I knew I was going to love this app. I'm going to be rich, I thought!!

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