Level Ten: Survivor

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I loaded up the games to see what the name of the level 10 game would be. Once it loaded, I saw that it was called Survivor. I was already planning on playing it no matter what, as it's the last level, so as soon as I saw it pop up, I clicked on it.

Once it had loaded, the text popped up on the screen, and I started to read, "Your objective is to survive; what you are trying to survive is waves of men for 60 minutes. You will start out with one man, and every 10 minutes, one will be added to a total of six men at once. Good luck."

After reading that, my heart dropped from my chest, realizing what kind of game I was about to experience and knowing this would be the hardest one yet. I was starting to tear up in fear, realizing that I would have to take so much at once, and I couldn't even take the other sissy player on, so there was barely a chance I could survive this.

No matter what regret I have now, it was already too late, as I had launched the game. There was no time to practice anymore, and my fate is already sealed, so I have to play the game.

Before I could take another thought about what I could do to try and survive, I started to see bright flashing colors around me and realized I was about to be teleported. Soon after, I was teleported into a new room that was pink, and I was in the center of it on a fuzzy-looking bed. Somehow, once I teleported, my clothes had instantly changed, and now I looked down to see that I was only wearing pink and frilly lingerie!

 Somehow, once I teleported, my clothes had instantly changed, and now I looked down to see that I was only wearing pink and frilly lingerie!

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"Oh no," I thought. I was set up like bait, as there was no way I didn't look like a cute little sissy laying here.

Before I could think about my demise any longer, the single door in the room opened, and a naked, muscular-looking man started to walk in. I found my eyes glaring down towards his lower half so I could see what I'm dealing with. Once I do, I see a good 6.5-inch cock staring back at me. It was definitely a pretty good size, but something I could survive, I thought.

While I was thinking this, he was approaching me, and as he reached me, he quickly grabbed my hair and took control of my head. "Ahhh—mmph," I said in response as he brought my head down before taking a mouth full of balls. I wasn't expecting his skills and strength once he got close to me, and that was a fatal mistake as he already had me on my knees on the bed, working his balls and sucking him from bottom to top.

I started to think as I worked on his cock and realized my best chance of surviving was by trying to make them cum before the next one could show up. It's only ten minutes for each guy, but it's the best chance I could have, I thought. If more than three guys took me on at once, I don't know if I would be able to handle it.

Once I determined that with myself, I found myself sucking his cock harder and working it as best as I could. I gave it my all, hoping that he would cum as I gagged on it and got him nice and wet. I kept sucking, and now he was nice and hard, but now I found him picking me up. Before I could react, he had turned me around and buried my face in the covers as he had my back side pushed up into the air. It was like I had no control over it, and now I was helpless as he was about to take me doggystyle as I felt him pull my panties to the side.

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