Level Two: Hide and Seek

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It was the next day, and my penis was hurting from the overnight strain as I was frustrated and awake all night from the chastity cage.

I logged onto the app and watched on the daily tasks page as the punishment countdown went to zero.

As it hit zero, it reappeared as the same daily task as yesterday. "The daily task to complete is to put on the panties; failure to complete the task will result in punishment," it read. Knowing I didn't want to end up in a chastity cage or worse, I ran over to where I left the panties on the floor from the day before.

I then quickly took off my shorts and boxers. Then I picked up the soft panties and slipped them up my legs, where they snuggly fit. They are so soft, I thought as I grabbed my shorts and put them back on.

I then went back over to the app to read that I needed to wear panties every day, but I have been rewarded with 200 Sissy Points. "This stinks; I have to wear these every day, but that's a good payday," I thought at least.

I decided that I would go ahead and complete the level two game, as I was really looking to earn a lot of points for the shop to exchange for some money. I then went to the games tab to see what the game would be.

"Hide and Sissy," the game read. I decided to just go ahead and click on the game to see what it was about.

As soon as I clicked on the game, a screen popped up saying the rules were simple. "Hide; the longer you hide, the more money you win; getting caught results in a punishment; good luck," the rules said on screen. It then popped up on the screen, "You only have 5 seconds to hide," and then it started to countdown.

I stood there, not really sure what I should do, as I wasn't sure what it meant and didn't know what the app was capable of. I ended up standing there too long, as my five seconds were up, and a hot demon-mistress-looking woman teleported into my room out of nowhere!

 I ended up standing there too long, as my five seconds were up, and a hot demon-mistress-looking woman teleported into my room out of nowhere!

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I decided the best course of action was to run out of the room and quickly find a place to hide before she could get me. As I ran through my house, I decided to go with a closet downstairs.

I waited a few minutes and heard nothing. As I was thinking I was safe, all of a sudden I was yanked out of the closet and thrown on the floor. I tried to get back up, but before I could, she pushed me back down and sat on top of me, straddling me. She then used one hand and pressed it into my chest, pushing my back onto the floor. I was caught...

Awaiting what would happen next, I watched her pick up my phone, and she pointed towards my face as she kept me pinned down. "You survived 300 seconds; good job! +300 Sissy Points," the screen said. It then flipped screens and said, "Sadly, you were also caught, so you must be punished; your punishment will be sissy makeup." The phone then popped up another 24-hour countdown, and the woman then disappeared, and the phone fell on my chest.

Not knowing what it meant, I thought the punishment must have put makeup on my face. I quickly went over to a mirror to look at my face to see what had happened. As I looked, I saw a glamorous, feminine-looking guy looking back at me. I had a full face of makeup on with some bright pink lip stick and some bold eyeliner.

I thought about how bad this was, as I couldn't take it off, and I was just thankful I didn't have anywhere to go. Looking back at the app, I realized I had hit level three and decided to leave it till tomorrow as the makeup and panties were enough to deal with for one day.

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