Level Three: Outfit Overhaul

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It's the next day, and I logged onto the app again, looking to make more money as the makeup from the day before is starting to disappear. I instantly scroll over to the daily task to check it out and see what it is, as it usually isn't good. "Oh no," I thought as my eyes locked onto the text on the screen.

"Your daily task is an outfit overhaul; your clothes will now all be replaced with female clothing, and from now on you are required to wear them. Failure to comply will result in a punishment," the text on the screen said. At that very moment, I ran to my closet to see if my clothes were still there.

Then, all of a sudden, they started dissolving. "No, no, no!" I thought as I was running over and checking all my drawers, watching my clothes disappear, even the ones on my body, and I couldn't stop it!

As soon as all my clothes disappeared and I was standing there naked, it seemed like they started to reappear. Only no. I started to look closer, and my clothes were being replaced with feminine clothing. I watched as my closet was filled with dresses and skirts and my drawers were filled with panties and bras.

I then looked down and realized I had a dress on now. Running over to the mirror, I saw that I was wearing a cute little white dress.

Looking down at my phone, I saw that I had been rewarded with 1000 Sissy Points, which converts to about 500 dollars, which is amazing, but I have no clue what I'm going to do about my clothes

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Looking down at my phone, I saw that I had been rewarded with 1000 Sissy Points, which converts to about 500 dollars, which is amazing, but I have no clue what I'm going to do about my clothes.

Looking at myself in the mirror, I didn't know what to do about being in public, as all my clothes were now all super girly. I just thought it was too late to go back on it, and once I get enough money, I can go buy more clothes anyway.

After that, it was time to go check out the game to see if I could reach the next level, as getting to the higher levels seems to give more money.

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