Level Nine: Nails

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It's yet another day; I'm having to play on this app, and I'm thinking about quitting. I feel like I'm losing my dignity, yet the amount of money I keep getting has been increasing.

As I couldn't decide, I launched the app to see what the daily task was. As I reached the daily task menu, I saw the daily task on the screen saying, "You will now get new nails. Please voice a color."

I started to think about it, and this wasn't that bad of a daily task compared to what I have had to do recently, so I decided to go ahead and pick a color. I just decided to go ahead with a color that might look good and said white. Just then, my fingers and toes started to tingle, and then the nails became white.

"Well, I guess this isn't too bad," I thought, then looked back at my phone to see the number of points I had earned

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"Well, I guess this isn't too bad," I thought, then looked back at my phone to see the number of points I had earned. "Daily task completed; you earned 1000 Sissy Points," the screen showed. "That's pretty good for such a small task," I thought.

I bet since I'm level 9, the game today will win me so much money. At that moment, I decided to go ahead and click on it, hoping that whatever it was, I could do it.

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